
Argentina Rejects Body of Nazi War Criminal

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 10/12/13 12:42PM

Argentina has always been the most European of South American countries: It has a vibrant literary culture, adores anything Italian, and dislikes anything that isn't a large piece of meat. And for a very long time, it even harbored a fair amount of Nazis. But no more, says Argentina.

'Foxy Knoxy' Faces Retrial in Murder of British Student

Max Read · 03/26/13 07:22AM

The highest court in Italy has ordered Amanda Knox to stand trial again for the killing of her former roommate, British exchange student Meredith Kercher, overturning Knox's 2011 acquittal. Knox will likely not return to Italy for the retrial, as her presence is not required, and after the four years she spent in Italian jail during the first trial and its appeal she's probably just as happy to never go back (though think of those wasted language skills!). In 2007, Knox, at the time an exchange student, and Raffaelle Sollecito, her then-boyfriend, were arrested after Kercher was found dead, partially undressed and with her throat slit, in their shared apartment in Perguia. An apparent confession (later thrown out), Knox's bizarre post-arrest behavior, and prosecutors' accusations that Kercher had been killed as part of a satanic sex game became tabloid fixations during the two-year trial, which ended in 2009 with convictions for Knox and Sollecito. After an appeal, the convictions were overturned in 2011—an Ivorian named Rudy Guede had been separately tried and convicted—and Knox returned to Seattle, her hometown. If she and Sollecito are re-convicted of Kercher's murder, Italian law will require her to serve out her life sentence, though it remains to be seen whether or not the U.S. would approve an extradition request. In a statement, Knox called the high court's ruling "painful" and "unfair." [NYT | NBC | CNN]

Is Silvio Berlusconi Really Engaged to a 27-Year-Old, or Do Americans Just Speak Bad Italian?

Max Read · 12/17/12 01:10PM

Yesterday, former Italian Prime Minister and the world's foremost thrower of "Bunga Bunga" parties Silvio Berlusconi, age 76, "unveiled" (to use the odd and yet somehow entirely appropriate phrasing of MSNBC) his girlfriend, Francesca Pascale, "a 27-year-old political councilor in his People of Freedom Party." He also announced their engagement — or did he? Let's ask Google Translate.

Big Court Win for Italian Men Who Act Like They Have Vaginas

Caity Weaver · 08/03/12 04:59PM

Men the world over are infamous for having balls—although testes, being considerably smaller than breasts and also much less adept at producing breast milk, are often overshadowed by bazoongas in lists of favorite sexual organs.

Vatican Documents Leak: The Butler Did It

Louis Peitzman · 05/26/12 09:37AM

OK, it's not quite The Da Vinci Code or even The Godfather: Part III, but a scandal rocking the Vatican is aways better than no scandal rocking the Vatican.

The Terrifying Body Worlds Mummy Heads of 19C Italy

Maureen O'Connor · 02/21/12 06:18PM

A group of forensic anthropologists have completed a meticulous analysis of a set of real human anatomy displays from 19C Italy. Using CT scans and other chemical analysis, the group determined that, some 200 years ago, anatomist Giovan Battista Rini "petrified" the corpses with a mercury and other heavy metals. He injected some tinctures and used others as baths. The eyes are fake. Basically, Rini was modern medicine's first "Body Worlds" guy.

This Italian Gay Wedding Video Will Make You Believe in Romance

Brian Moylan · 02/14/12 02:18PM

It's Valentine's Day and you're either hating yourself for being single, thinking of ways to please your mate, or waiting to pounce on half-drunk needy people at the bar tonight for an easy lay. Well, how about an Italian same-sex wedding video to bring the romance back.

Silvio Berlusconi: 'I'm Not a Playboy, I'm a Playman'

Maureen O'Connor · 02/06/12 10:55AM

Italy's corrupt cartoon satyr of a former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi is still rattling around, being Berlusconish: "I'm not a Playboy, I'm a Play-uomo [Playman] … The only thing I have not been accused of in all these over-hyped descriptions of my relations with women, with the opposite sex, the only thing they have never accused me of is being gay. I have nothing against homosexuals, let it be clear. Quite the contrary. I always thought the more gay people around, the less competition." [Atlantic, image via Getty]