
France Expands Bombing Campaign Against ISIS into Syria

Brendan O'Connor · 09/27/15 10:00AM

On Sunday, French President Francois Hollande said that six of his country’s jet fighters had targeted and destroyed an Islamic State training camp in eastern Syria, the Associated Press reports. The airstrikes were France’s first in Syria.

Iraqi Officials: Head of ISIS Wounded In Airstrike

Brian Feldman · 11/09/14 04:30PM

The Associated Press is reporting that the leader of ISIS (aka the Islamic State aka ISIL), Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was wounded in an airstrike on Saturday. Brief statements from Iraq’s Defense and Interiors Ministries said that al-Baghdadi had been wounded, working off of intel provided by informants within ISIS. They did not elaborate on the extent of said injuries.

U.N. Says ISIS Massacred Hundreds in Ethnic Cleansing Push in Iraq

Adam Weinstein · 08/26/14 09:40AM

The United Nations' top commissioner for human rights argued Sunday that the Islamic State was committing "crimes against humanity" and offered proof of a prison massacre in which ISIS militants separated the inmates into Sunni and Shia groups and killed all the Shias.

Boko Haram Declares an Islamic Caliphate in Nigeria

Allie Jones · 08/25/14 11:13AM

Boko Haram, the militant Islamic group that has been kidnapping women, girls, and boys and capturing territory in northern Nigeria, has declared an Islamic caliphate. The Nigerian army already rejected the claim as "empty," noting that the "sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Nigerian state is still intact."

Crazy Conservatives Are Sure a Gitmo Detainee Killed James Foley

Adam Weinstein · 08/22/14 09:42AM

James Foley was courageous, and his murder by an apparently English-accented zealot of the Syria-based Islamic State was so horrific that no simple narrative can do it justice. Unless, that is, you're a conservative political opportunist of a special sort, eager to pin the crime on liberal policies.