
Iron Chef Judge Has Penis on the Brain

Whitney Jefferson · 03/07/11 12:10PM

In a recent episode of Iron Chef, the key ingredient were fresh, green peas. When it came time to critique the dishes, one of the judges had a freudian slip of sorts.

Reporter Shocked To Find That Some of the Pageantry on 'Iron Chef America' Is Staged

nickm · 02/21/08 02:18PM

If you have any children on your lap while reading this post, now's a good time to ask them to leave the room. We're about to reveal some hard truths and some major spoilers about life. Ready? The tooth fairy doesn't exist, Santa Claus could care less whether you're naughty or nice, and reality TV isn't exactly real. We know. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but you had to find out sooner or later. And if we didn't tell you, you would have surely arrived at that conclusion after reading the Village Voice's riveting "exposé" of Iron Chef America.

Investigation Finds "Iron Chef" Is A Television Show

Hamilton Nolan · 02/20/08 05:11PM