
The Fabulous Life of Alex Kuczynski: Even Her Garbage Is Fabulous

Jesse · 02/16/06 04:58PM

This week, Alex Kuczynski discovers the Apple Store in Soho, and uses it as an opportunity to fill us in on the technology fabulousness of her life. There's the iBook G4 wedding present from the financier husband, the G5, the 23-inch monitor, Harmon/Kardon sound system, and the 100 operas and 5,000 songs saved in her iTunes. And there's also this:

MTV In Bed With Bill Gates

Seth Abramovitch · 12/14/05 04:09PM

TV networks are quickly realizing the necessity of aligning themselves with a major online content store. ABC and NBC made the obvious choice of an Apple/iTunes marriage, but MTV has decided to forego the shiny, white, easily-scratchable party, pairing its soon to launch URGE network with woefully unhip big meanie, Microsoft:

A Message From Your Guest Editor

Seth Abramovitch · 10/26/05 11:01AM

Seth here, with wonderful news! Mark (CDC code name: Patient Zero) has come down with a nasty case of bird flu*, and so I'll be guest editing for the rest of the week. I couldn t be more thrilled to be back here at Defamer.com Bathroom Reading for Your Cubicle (or vice versa, for all you Sidekick-wielding on-the-/gotta go types).

'Slate' Don't Need No Stinkin' iPods. Or Does It?

Jesse · 10/14/05 01:39PM

Slate lone gunman Jack Shafer has the top story on the site today, a slapdown of journalists' obsession with all things Apple. He persuasively makes the case that writers hype Apple's every new product launch (like this week's unveiling of the Video iPod) with the unquestioning enthusiasm of a not-so-bright golden retriever without ever acknowledging the mediocrity of many of said new products (like the Video iPod).