
Please Hold Your Phone SIDEWAYS When Shooting Video

Ken Layne · 06/03/13 02:17PM

Look at this amazing video of some kind of demon bursting out of a manhole in New York today. And it would be so much more amazing if this citizen journalist had simply held his or her phone horizontally instead of vertically. Your viral video should not be a narrow strip surrounded by the void.

Boycotting Apple Won't Help the Rioting Foxconn Workers Who Built Your iPhone

Adrian Chen · 09/25/12 04:45PM

Late Sunday night, a riot involving 2,000 workers broke out at a Foxconn plant in northern China that manufactures the iPhone 5, reportedly sparked by a fight between workers and security guards. Like the parade of horror stories out of Chinese factories, the riots once again underscored the notoriously dismal labor conditions of the young workers who make our gadgets. But it also highlighted a growing level of worker unrest in China. More than ever, Chinese workers are struggling to help themselves, which could improve labor conditions more than a thousand tearjerking This American Life exposes.

Classical Music Mob Goes Psycho Over iPhone

Ryan Tate · 01/12/12 02:50PM

Classical music fans are terribly sophisticated and demanding. They don't like it, for example, when their precious sonic cocoon is pierced by disabled people's medical devices, or by coughing sickies. Now they've nearly torn a man to pieces over his ringing iPhone.

iPhone Photography for Perverts

Ryan Tate · 01/03/12 06:27PM

Illicit photography is way up in Japan, and police blame smartphone silencers - apps that hush up the sound of taking a picture. Maybe this spy technology will be America's next big cultural import from Asia. God knows we have enough pervs.

Gwyenth Paltrow Creates First iPhone App For Perfect People

Adrian Chen · 12/13/11 06:15PM

New York City's great, except for one thing: There's no easy way to know exactly what establishments Gwyneth Paltrow patronizes when she takes human form and roams among us. Thankfully, her luxury lifestyle guide Goop just came out with an iPhone app.

The FAA Is Rubbing Alec Baldwin's Face In It

Ryan Tate · 12/13/11 05:40PM

Thrown off a plane. Subject to a proposed boycott. And now this, a final humiliating insult to Alec Baldwin, for playing an iOS app when he shouldn't have: The Federal Aviation Administration says the actor's airline nemeses can use iPads in flight, even while prohibiting Baldwin from doing the same thing.

The FBI Took Secret Intelligence from Creepy Cell-Phone Tappers

Ryan Tate · 12/12/11 05:11PM

The FBI has files from a phone-monitoring company whose notorious software was on iPhones, Android phones, Nokias and BlackBerries. But since the files are being used "for law enforcement purposes," the feds won't talk about their contents. So you can't know what secrets the feds have gleaned from your phone, because that's a secret.

Amazon Launches Christmas Attack on Local Shops

Ryan Tate · 12/06/11 02:50PM

Apparently concerned that it's not already doing enough to undermine local physical retailers across the country, Amazon.com announced it will pay customers up to $5 to go into a local store, scan an item, walk out, and buy the same item on Amazon. Please don't do this cheap, sad thing.

How To Keep Your iPhone from Snitching

Ryan Tate · 12/01/11 03:45PM

You may well read today about how "Carrier IQ" spy software has been discovered in Apple's iPhones and iPads. The situation isn't nearly as bad as it might sound, but it never hurts to revisit your phone's privacy configuration.

Stephen Colbert: 'Siri Is Clearly an Arch-Conservative Woman'

Matt Cherette · 12/01/11 12:50AM

When Apple announced the iPhone 4S, its most anticipated feature was a female robot-voiced intelligent personal assistant application named Siri. But Siri's introduction to the world wasn't seamless! After being accused of ignoring people who speak English with a foreign accent shortly after the phone's release, this week Siri was exposed as a pro-life zealot who refuses to tell you where you can get an abortion.

Watch a 12-Year-Old Put Your Startup To Shame

Ryan Tate · 11/14/11 06:11PM

This 12-year-old iPhone developer has a couple of all-too-rare things going for him: A solid product idea, and a strong ability to communicate with the public. The rest of the tech world should watch his TED talk—yes, his TED talk; what, haven't you done one?—and learn.

Asian Horde Prevents White Man From Buying iPhone

Adrian Chen · 10/18/11 11:05AM

All Business Insider CEO/editor-in-chief Henry Blodget wanted to do was walk into the Apple Store and pick up a new iPhone 4S, as is his birthright as a rich, white American. But when he got there, his quest was stymied by a horde of "Asian folks" "scarfing up" all the iPhones!