
Arizona Now Charging $25 for Prison Visits

Max Read · 09/05/11 02:48PM

Arizona has, like, no money. Should it raise taxes? Cut services? Or—wait—what about this: Charge people $25 a head to visit friends and family members in its overcrowded jails?

Woman Facing a Decade in Prison for Stealing One Can of Crappy Beer

Lauri Apple · 08/13/11 02:16PM

For allegedly stealing a 24-ounce can of Steel Reserve, Victoria Hill of Boise, Idaho now faces up to ten years behind bars. Officers charged her with felony burglary, because she stuck the beer in her purse and walked by some cash registers—thereby indicating "intent."

Jerk-Off Mags Behind Bars: The Debate Rages

Seth Abramovitch · 06/01/11 02:52AM

South Carolina's Hill-Finklea Detention Center for barring its inmates from enjoying the kinds of pornographic materials you and I take for granted every. Single. Day. [Note: The ACLU has responded, saying ABC's report is false. Updates below.]

Inmate Smuggles Pills into Prison in Her Vagina

Brian Moylan · 02/25/11 05:35PM

When arriving to jail in Florida to serve 30 days for drug possession, corrections officers asked Sara King if she had anything she's not supposed to have. She replied, "Just my pills in my vagina."