
Trump's DC Hotel Is Being Built by Undocumented Immigrants He Despises

Jay Hathaway · 07/07/15 09:38AM

According to Donald Trump, idiot billionaire and face of YouTube’s popular Annoying Orange, Mexican immigrants who come to the U.S. illegally “have lots of problems” and they’re “bringing those problems to us.” He has publicly claimed that the only things undocumented immigrants have to offer the U.S. are drugs and rape, but privately Trump knows better: they can also construct shiny new hotels, like the one they’re building for Trump in Washington, D.C.

Rick Perry's Border-Deployed National Guard Troops Haven't Been Paid

Adam Weinstein · 08/29/14 12:02PM

When Texas Gov. Rick Perry sent National Guard soldiers to the Mexico border to much fanfare earlier this summer, he couldn't say how long they'd be there. It turns out he also couldn't pay them: At least 50 soldiers haven't seen a paycheck and are getting sustenance and vehicle fuel from a local food bank.

Georgia Gov. Mistakes Hispanic College Student for an "Illegal"

Adam Weinstein · 08/28/14 12:40PM

Nathan Deal, the conservative Georgia governor who's in a tight re-election race against a grandson of Jimmy Carter, suffered a misstep Tuesday when he mistakenly assumed a Hispanic student speaking to him at the University of Georgia was an undocumented immigrant.

KKK Issues Call to "Shoot to Kill" Immigrants, Leave Corpses on Border

Adam Weinstein · 08/01/14 01:15PM

In a video that would be funny if it didn't revolve around violent bigots, representatives of the Ku Klux Klan confirmed the organization's call to shoot border-crossing immigrants from Central America to advance its goal of a "white homeland" in the United States.

Adam Weinstein · 07/28/14 10:33AM

America is over. Where can an immigrant get a fair shake from a welcoming government? Germany.