President Obama showed little patience for a protester who interrupted him at a White House Pride Month reception on Wednesday, immediately waving a finger and scolding, “Nonononononononono, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.”

“Listen, you’re in my house,” said the president to cheers and applause. “You’re not gonna get a good response from interrupting me like this.”

“Shame on you,” Obama added before having the heckler removed by White House personnel.

LGBT advocacy organizations later identified the protester as undocumented trans activist Jennicet Gutiérrez, who seeks the immediate release of transgender immigration detainees.

“I am outraged at the lack of leadership Obama demonstrated,” Gutiérrez said afterward in a statement. “He had no concern for the way LBGTQ detainees are suffering.”

[Image via C-SPAN]