
The Great Idiot Perfume Heist

Hamilton Nolan · 03/09/10 09:32AM

A third NYPD officer has been arrested for his role in last month's heist of a New Jersey perfume factory. Or, as we prefer to call it, "The Worst Fucking Heist Ever." Don't rogue cops even watch movies?

America's Goofiest College Race War

Hamilton Nolan · 03/03/10 09:31AM

Are college kids in San Diego particularly racist, or just, perhaps, particularly dumb? Monday, a "KKK-style hood" was found "atop a Dr. Seuss statue" on campus, naturally. Allow us to briefly recap sunny UCSD's recent reign of racial hullabaloo:

Peacock-Killer Jeff Zucker Must Go

Pareene · 01/13/10 01:25PM

Many years ago, NBC decided that the guy who came up with the idea of doing concerts on The Today Show would make a great network head. Now they are in last place. Except in jokes, where they are first.

Teabagger Worried His Magic Prayers Made God Kill Sen. Inhofe

Adrian Chen · 12/22/09 08:16PM

Jesus. A panicked teabagger called up C-SPAN in tears today, worried that he accidentally killed Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe by praying for Democratic Sen. Robert Byrd to die. This is one of the saddest things ever to appear on C-SPAN.