
Brooke Hogan on Dick Cheney: 'Who's That?'

Kyle Buchanan · 09/18/08 02:40PM

When we solicited thoughts on VP candidate Sarah Palin from reality star Brooke Hogan, Brooke's naive response of "Who's that?" initially echoed in our hearts as a poignant reminder of the bygone, pre-Palin media era. You can imagine our confusion, then, when Hogan appeared on today's Howard Stern show and as the subject of the now-notorious Defamer video came up, she coolly denied that we'd ever asked her about Sarah Palin in the first place:Still, her tenuous grasp on the memory is understandable, as proven when Stern and Co. continue to quiz her about presidential candidates (asked Obama's first name, she carefully answers, "'Barack' or something?"), forcing an overwhelmed Hogan to cry out, "There's too many friggin' people in office!" Perhaps that would explain the blank she draws when asked the name of the current Vice President? The answer, dear Brooke, is "Dick Cheney," and it's as plain as the nose on your face (which, if you're not careful, Mr. Cheney will shoot off). [Howard Stern]

Happy Birthday

cityfile · 08/11/08 06:19AM

Designer, author and TV personality Jonathan Adler turns 42 today. Hope Simon Doonan has something exciting planned for you two tonight. Others celebrating today: Playwright David Henry Hwang turns 51, renowned architect Peter Eisenman is 76, and model Carolyn Murphy celebrates her 33rd. The dean of Columbia's journalism school, Nick Lemann, is 54. Attorneys Mark Alcott and Andrew L. Frey turn 69 and 70, respectively. Commercial real estate guru Tara Stacom is 50. And aging wrestler Hulk Hogan is 55.

Hogan Family Learns Hilarious Lesson: To Violate a Restraining Order, You Must Actually Have One

Kyle Buchanan · 06/24/08 12:20PM

When last we left the Hogan family (though can we leave them if they won't go away?), parents Hulk and Linda had split up, and it wasn't pretty. Daughter Brooke accused the Hulkster of piledriving one of her friends, while cougar Linda fell into the arms of the 19-year-old pool boy. What's next for an estranged, straw-haired couple bored of screwing their children's dopplegangers? Elaborate, imaginary crimes:

Celebrity Wrestling All Fun Until Dustin Diamond Gets Hurt, And Then It's Fucking Hilarious

STV · 06/06/08 01:20PM

It's either the best or worst idea in the history of television, but it's no doubt the most contradictory: Set for CMT this fall, Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling features competitors vying for some kind of reality-show supremacy in the wrasslin' arts, whose tactics they'll apparently learn from judges like Hogan and coaches including former pro stars Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake and Brian Knobbs. But then we had a look at the participants, and really, we wonder if CMT even has to buy insurance for this show:

Seth Abramovitch · 05/09/08 02:30PM

In the mood for a downer? A South Florida NBC affiliate's website is live-broadcasting Nick Hogan's reckless driving trial. The girlfriend (almost fiancée—he was saving up for the engagement ring) of crash victim John Graziano has already tearfully read a statement describing Hogan's "stone face," revealed the meaning of his license plate CEHSP2 ("Capable of eluding high-speed pursuit,") and, most damningly, testified, "Three weeks after the accident, Nick showed his bringing in board games, razor scooters, Nerf guns to shoot people with, and skateboards. I'm not exactly sure who rides scooters and skateboards in's ICU unit knowing that their friend can't even breathe on his own." Join in on the fun now!

Obama Sews Up Endorsement From All-Important Hulkamaniac Contingent

Mark Graham · 02/19/08 09:09PM

Say your prayers, eat your vitamins and vote for Barack Obama! Or so sayeth Hulk Hogan, who suplexed and then leg-dropped an unsuspecting Clinton camp on Jimmy Kimmel Live by pledging his allegiance and his vote to Obama. And although our experience in the art of campaigning begins and ends with our run for Student Council back in high school (which, we might add, was successful ... three times!), we're pretty darn sure that the Obama ticket could really benefit by awarding the Hulkster a spot on to their roster. Perhaps this is finally the way that Obama can silence the critics who claim he lacks experience in foreign diplomacy!

Rachael Ray's Pearly Whites And Hulkster's Pythons Reaffirm Our Faith In America, Brother!

Mark Graham · 01/11/08 08:34PM

Recently separated Father Of The Year Hulk Hogan appeared on soon-to-be separated Rachael Ray's cooking show cum chatfest today. While we aren't entirely sure what kind of dish they whipped up when they hit the kitchen, we're fairly certain it was comprised of a potent conconction of prayers, vitamins and EVOO. But the story here isn't about foodstuffs, it's more about the palpable sexual chemistry that these two icons of All-American goodness CLEARLY have between each other. When Rachael pawed at The Hulkster's deeply tanned 22-inch pythons, we were struck by a vision, a glorious vision of stars spangling and rockets red-glaring their way deep into the night while as the two made passionate l-o-v-e in the name of chopped cherry trees and purple mountain's majesty. Pay heed to our video clip and try telling us you don't see the same thing.

seth · 11/07/07 02:29PM

Hulk-offspring Nick Hogan has been charged with drunk driving the night he crashed his Supra, severely injuring friend and recent Iraq War veteran John Graziano, while a rep for Hogan defends his client by pointing out that Graziano had no seatbelt on. This story is almost as much fun as the Lane Garrison one, just with 1980s wrestling stars instead of high school co-eds and blow! [TMZ, TMZ]

Ben Silverman Chooses Hulk Hogan As Emperor of His 'American Gladiators'

mark · 10/02/07 04:29PM

When NBC's Ben "The Perfect Storm" Silverman appeared on Michael Eisner's talk show last week to serve notice to his network rivals that his resurgent Peacock would soon be feasting on their rotting, Nielsen-dead entrails, the full extent of his programming vision was not yet clear. But since then, Silverman has made two stunning moves that demonstrate he's utterly unafraid to strip-mine the past if that ensures a better-rated future: the revival of Knight Rider, and, according to TV Week, the appointment of '80s wrestling icon and recently recycled VH1 celebreality star Hulk Hogan to American Gladiators hosting duty:

On the Matter of Lizzie Grubman's Ladyflower

Jessica · 09/14/05 07:53AM

Last week, we received a verrrrry disturbing photo of 80s wrestling star Hulk Hogan carrying publicist Lizzie Grubman. It wasn't the mere image of Grubman nor the proof that the Hulk was still alive and well that made us feel nauseated; rather, it was the angle at which the photograph was taken, providing an all-too-convenient upskirt shot of Grubman and thus revealing, in graphic detail, her preference for certain waxing techniques.