
Rents Are Going Up, Suckas

Hamilton Nolan · 12/19/14 02:50PM

For the first time since 2001, there are not enough rental units in America to meet demand. Can you guess what this means?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/20/14 01:10PM

By law, the heat should be turned on in New York City apartments by now. Is the heat on in your apartment yet? Ha.

Don't Let Rich People Own Apartments They Don't Live In

Hamilton Nolan · 08/14/14 12:00PM

It is not easy to find housing in big cities. In New York City, apartments are both expensive and hard to come by. Among the many ways to address this problem, here is one that should please almost everyone: make rich people live in the fucking apartments they own.

Cities Still Kicking Suburbs' Ass

Hamilton Nolan · 05/22/14 08:11AM

America's ongoing housing trends have been clear for years: upwardly mobile people are moving to cities, leaving our nation's crumbling suburbs to the deer and the underclass. The latest US Census figures show this trend continuing, DESPITE any propaganda you may hear from suburban apologists.

Hamilton Nolan · 04/29/14 12:13PM

A long New York Times look at global thinking on how to create affordable urban housing turns up only one workable idea: "It seems the only solution would be to level all of, say, North Brooklyn and put up monolithic prefab tower blocks." We support this.

How Do We Make Affordable Housing?

Hamilton Nolan · 04/15/14 12:01PM

"Affordable" housing is defined as housing that costs 30% or less of your total income. That is becoming an increasing rarity in America's cities. How do we fix that? It's more complicated than it sounds.

Can Someone Please "Disrupt" Real Estate Agents?

Hamilton Nolan · 03/27/14 04:28PM

We live in a marvelous, annoying era in which startup geniuses constantly getting rich by "disrupting" mundane industries. Hotels? Disrupted. Taxis? Disrupted. On behalf of the beleaguered apartment hunters of New York City, I humbly request that someone disrupt real estate agents out of existence.

Everything Is a Rental Now

Hamilton Nolan · 03/10/14 02:47PM

The idea of "buying" a home in this economy is reserved for people who are richer, more responsible, and luckier than you. For you, the average American, the only choice is to rent. Which is good, because they're building rentals faster than you can say "But will you allow my dog, Baxter?"

If You Start Saving Now You Will Still Never Afford a Home

Hamilton Nolan · 02/25/14 11:18AM

The year 2013 may go down as the peak of the post-recession boom. The S&P 500 stock index rose by 30%, its best year since before the first tech bubble burst. And hey, home prices did better than they have since before the housing bubble burst. The top... or just another stair, to heaven?

Where Can You Afford to Live Now?

Hamilton Nolan · 02/14/14 12:21PM

Real estate in cities where you might want to live is expensive again. The gulf between expensive and inexpensive cities is large. It's time to accept the fact that you can't buy a house where you want to live, and start thinking about where you can buy something.

PSA: Don't Renovate Your Rental Apartment

Hamilton Nolan · 01/21/14 02:00PM

Are you a renter? This means, in a technical sense, that you give someone else money in order to stay in their apartment. Feel like you want to do some expensive renovations? Stop right there!