
House and Wilson's Adventures in Babysitting

Chris Wyman · 10/19/10 02:37PM

The real payoff of the House/Cuddy romantic arc began on last night's episode of House: finally, we get to watch Hugh Laurie acting curmudgeonly alongside Cuddy's adopted two-year-old, Rachel.

Congressman Bores Grandson to Sleep With 'Domestic Violence' Babble

Jim Newell · 10/01/10 02:50PM

Congressman Ted Poe took his grandson to the House floor earlier this week, to show the youngster American democracy in action! The grandson clearly wasn't impressed, however, and comically struggled to stay awake while grandpa shared terrifying domestic violence tales.

Statler & Waldorf Guest Star on House

Chris Wyman · 09/28/10 10:25AM

Last night's House was fraught with Cuddy-coddling and an emotional tale of sibling sacrifice... but forget that! Here's a great sub-plot involving a couple of spry oldsters and enough "age" jokes to get you through your next family reunion.

Republicans Salivating Over Endless Obama Investigations

Jim Newell · 09/22/10 04:46PM

If Republicans take the House back this fall, there's one thing you can count on: their constant use of subpoena power. Meaning, they'll formally investigate Obama's every turn. They can't wait. In fact, they're already drafting a long, long list.