
Oh Look, Another Government Shutdown Is Looming

Jim Newell · 09/20/11 03:03PM

All that Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee wanted was to smash a few windows, flood some streets, and uproot an old tree here or there. But now they may indirectly end up shutting down the federal government, too! This really is a banner year for the forces of evil.

'Joe the Plumber for Congress' Could Actually Happen

Jim Newell · 08/24/11 11:40AM

It wouldn't be surprising to hear rumors that Samuel "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher, the Ohio fellow who briefly got famous for asking Barack Obama one poorly crafted question about small business taxation policy on the 2008 campaign trail, was "considering" a congressional run. It's a nice way to get a headline without really meaning it. But apparently national Republicans actually want him to do this?

House Passes Boehner Bill After a Good Hollerin' Match

Jim Newell · 07/29/11 05:43PM

The House has just passed Speaker John Boehner's debt ceiling bill — the third version, of course, after Boehner had to throw in a modest constitutional amendment today to get a few more Tea Party members on board. It doesn't really matter, because the Senate will still instantly kill it, and then... well, something will get through by the Tuesday deadline. Right? Ha ha, probably not.

TV's Favorite Tea Party Congressman Sued for $117K in Child Support

Jim Newell · 07/28/11 12:57PM

Are you familiar with freshman Republican Rep. Joe Walsh? No? That's okay! Just turn on any cable news channel at any time. He'll be there. Producers love to book him, and he loves to be booked. His politics can best be described as anti-any-compromise-ever, and he is rude. Another interesting thing about Joe Walsh is that his ex-wife is suing him for $117,437 in unpaid child support.

It's John Boehner's Big Day

Jim Newell · 07/28/11 11:42AM

Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) is cautiously optimistic that enough GOP members had fallen in line over the last 48 hours to pass his debt bill. The plan would cut nearly $917 billion in spending over the next ten years, raise the debt-ceiling by $900 billion and avoid sending the nation into default.

Furry Congressman David Wu Resigns

Jim Newell · 07/26/11 11:44AM

Oregon Rep. David Wu, a tigersuit-clad furry sex monster, apparently won't sit out the rest of his House term before resigning. He's issued a statement announcing his imminent resignation — just as soon as the debt ceiling debacle draws to a close, which it never will.

Ron Paul Is Retiring From Congress

Jim Newell · 07/12/11 12:44PM

Texas congressman, libertaria agitator, and Internet deity Ron Paul has decided to wrap up his 12-term legacy of automatic "no" votes to every single bill. He will not run for his House seat in the next election. Good for him! If he stayed around much longer, he'd run the risk of becoming a bitter old crank.

Meet Your Newest Presidential Candidate, 'Thaddeus McCotter'

Jim Newell · 07/01/11 12:02PM

What this 2012 presidential race needs — what America needs, really — is another wiseass Tea Party conservative mid-level congressman with niche appeal to further dilute the far right primary vote and effectively hand the nomination over to Mitt Romney. Fortunately it looks like five-time Michigan Rep. Thad McCotter will be that much needed extra spoiler. He's in it, and he's in it to win it!

Obama's War in Libya Facing a Big Congressional Slap

Jim Newell · 06/24/11 11:09AM

The House of Representatives will actually hold two votes today on war funding. This is quite something: One vote to defund military action in Libya, another to authorize it for a year. Finally, many months after the Obama administration went into another MENA country with little-to-no strategy, we're having something akin to a congressional authorization process. This is healthy.

Anybody Got a Camera for Anthony Weiner?

Jim Newell · 06/21/11 12:01PM

The staff for resigning Rep. Anthony Weiner are feeling awfully sentimental today as they clean out the office. Wouldn't you? I mean you'd be losing your job, for Christ's sake — and there are literally no other jobs available in America!

Congress Actually Votes on Something Libya-Related

Jim Newell · 06/03/11 02:51PM

House Speaker John Boehner quickly put together some vague vote on American involvement in the Libya war today, which the Obama administration technically has been waging illegally for over two weeks, and which Congress has refused either to authorize or end.