
Algerian Military Allegedly Kills 34 Hostages, Including Americans, in Botched Helicopter Strike (Updates)

Max Read · 01/17/13 08:55AM

Algerian militants are claiming that as many as 34 hostages, including at least six foreigners, and 15 of their kidnappers were killed on Thursday in a helicopter attack undertaken by the Algerian military as the hostages were being moved to another location. A day earlier, 41 foreigners — including Norwegian, Japanese, British and American citizens — and more than 100 Algerians had been kidnapped at a natural gas complex in the southern part of the country. Sources in the British government describe the 34 figure as "high." According to the Algerian military, the operation is "ongoing."

Gunmen Escape After a Terrifying, 'Ugly' Hostage Situation at Los Angeles Mall (UPDATE: Stabbing, Sexual Assault Confirmed)

Max Read · 01/11/13 08:08AM

Two gunmen who took 14 hostages at a Los Angeles mall last night have apparently escaped after an overnight standoff that involved the LAPD SWAT team locking down the mall and holding around 200 moviegoers in theaters until nearly 3 a.m. All 14 employees who were trapped in the Nordstrom Rack where the hostage situation unfolded have been found safe; KTLA reports that the LAPD is saying the suspects are still at large.

Hostage-Takers Are Calling Blogs Now

John Cook · 10/17/11 04:19PM

When an armed unemployed French computer technician took two government bureaucrats hostage to protest his economic situation today, who did he call to publicize his stunt? A blog. Then everyone started Tweeting. Are we really ready for this?

Mitch McConnell Brags About 'Ransoming' the President

Jim Newell · 08/03/11 01:29PM

Sen. Mitch McConnell, the evil procedural genius who somehow always manages to be the most powerful person in Washington from his lowly perch as Senate minority leader, doesn't take offense when people call him and his party "hostage-takers." He rather fancies the title! But he does want to clear up the details of how and why he loves taking legislative hostages.

Yemen's Dictator Beseiges U.S., Other Foreign Ambassadors

Jeff Neumann · 05/23/11 12:16AM

Yesterday, for about the hundredth time, Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh was supposed to sign an agreement to step down after three decades in power. And, unsurprisingly, he backed out for another bullshit, concocted reason. However, instead of just saying "no," he decided to surround the U.A.E. embassy in Sanaa — where the U.S. ambassador and at least four other diplomats were gathered — with hundreds of armed men. From the Times:

Ex-Soldier Seeking Psych Help Takes Hostages

Sergio Hernandez · 09/06/10 01:03PM

In a drastic (but effective?) attempt to prove he needed psychiatric help, a former Army soldier took three hostages at a military hospital in Georgia this morning to demand "treatment for behavioral problems."