
Ugandan President Signs "Jail the Gays" Bill

Rich Juzwiak · 02/24/14 01:15PM

Today, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni signed the Anti-Homosexuality Act, a wide-ranging bill that imposes seven years in jail for "the offense of homosexuality" (gay sex) and lifetime in jail for "aggravated homosexuality," which describes an array of offenses like incest, sex with a minor, and sex with a person with a disability. Uganda's The Observer reports, "The bill will formally become law when it gets published in the Uganda Gazette. That, however, remains a formality. For Uganda's largely anti-gay population, the most important part was the president's signature."

Rich Juzwiak · 02/20/14 12:26PM

The Arizona Senate voted in favor of a measure that would allow business owners the right to refuse gays service based on religious beliefs. "This bill is not about discrimination," Sen. Steve Yarbrough said. "It's about preventing discrimination against people who are clearly living out their faith." Related.

Rich Juzwiak · 02/17/14 06:21PM

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni announced that he would be signing a bill punishing homosexuality with life in prison to rapturous cheers from lawmakers.

"Anti-Gay Jim Crow" Bill Gets Dangerously Close to Becoming Kansas Law

Rich Juzwiak · 02/14/14 03:50PM

First, the good news: A bill approved Wednesday by the Kansas House of Representatives by a vote of 72 to 49 that would allow for Jim Crow-style anti-gay discrimination seems unlikely to pass even in the Republican-controlled Senate, according to Senate President Susan Wagle.

Is the Black Community Homophobic?: A Discussion With Yoruba Richen

Rich Juzwiak · 02/12/14 03:05PM

Yoruba Richen's documentary The New Black (opening today at New York's Film Forum) achieves what seemed impossible before it: It examines the generalized notion that the black community is homophobic with specificity and subtlety. Using the backdrop of the fight for marriage equality in Maryland in 2012 (where it was eventually approved by voters), Richen's film examines both sides of the debate within the black community by primarily using the National Black Justice Coalition Sharon J. Lettman-Hicks to represent the pro-equality side, and Maryland Marriage Alliance's Derek McCoy as the face of the anti-equality side.

T-Pain Slams Homophobia in Hip-Hop and R&B for Six Straight Minutes

Rich Juzwiak · 02/10/14 05:23PM

In the Vlad TV interview above, rapper turned singing AutoTune addict T-Pain calls homophobia "terrible" and "weird," says he doesn't "fuck with" people who shun gays, and claims to know artists who won't work with Frank Ocean because he once wrote a Tumblr post about falling in love with a man. Throughout, T-Pain is seemingly tipsy and decidedly animated, which makes his entire spiel delightful. I mean, there's plenty to get offended over here, if you wish to nitpick, so don't fret. T-Pain will give you something to do if you're bored and looking to get mad.

A Field Guide to Straightsplaining

Rich Juzwiak · 02/07/14 12:45PM

If you want to know about gay people—their lives, their desires, their ideas, their cultures—listen to gay people. If you want to know about straight people, listen to straight people talking about gay people.

Inside Russia's Anti-Gay Vigilante Army, Occupy Pedophilia

Rich Juzwiak · 02/06/14 10:27AM

Last night, the U.K.'s Channel 4 aired Hunted, a wide-ranging documentary about homophobia in Russia. Its biggest coup was achieving access to the inner workings of Occupy Pedophilia, the largest vigilante group responsible for the hunting down of, physical abuse against, and public humiliation of gay people (predominantly gay men). Though such footage has been making the rounds, this is the first time I've seen the planning and luring process of the group. Via the third-party cameras, we also get a sense of how long such an ordeal lasts (an hour). Though mild in violence, the footage above is as hard to watch as the rest of this stuff, so proceed with caution.

Straight Guy Shocked to Learn Gay Guys Are as Boring as He Is

Rich Juzwiak · 01/21/14 01:30PM

Yesterday, Esquire's culture blog posted a review of the new HBO show that is just like your life or your friend's life or the life of that guy in your office whose shoes are always just a little nicer than they have to be, Looking. In "A Straight Man's Guide to HBO's Looking," writer Mick Stingley determines that the show about a handful of weed-paced gay friends in San Francisco "commits the heinous sin of being gay and boring." Stingley's bio that follows his piece states that he "loves Tom Wolfe and rock and roll and lives with his fiancée in Queens." He seems to have a lot in common with those gay guys on the show with the exception of the gay thing. Boring is the universal human experience.

Rich Juzwiak · 01/17/14 04:41PM

The View's Sherri Shepherd, who once said she "didn't know" if the Earth is flat, has this to say about gays: "I might not agree with your lifestyle, but I love you. You may not agree with my lifestyle, but you love me." Actually, Sherri, I don't.

Rich Juzwiak · 01/14/14 04:48PM

Dozens of gay men in Nigeria reportedly have been arrested under the country's new Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Act, which sentences people to jail for 14 years for being married to a person of the same sex, and 10 years for belonging to gay-oriented groups. This is disgusting.