
John Oliver Talked About Gays in Uganda for Almost 20 Minutes

Rich Juzwiak · 06/30/14 01:40PM

Outrage in the U.S. over Uganda's virulently anti-gay policy has died down since it flared up earlier this year, but that doesn't mean the situation has improved for Uganda's LGBT population. On last night's Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Oliver cited a May report by the activist group Sexual Minorities Uganda (or SMUG), which states that in the time since Uganda's anti-gay bill was passed by Parliament, there has been a huge increase in the persecution of gays. During the four-month period of this study, there were 162 cases of gay persecution reported, versus 19 in 2012 and eight in 2013 during the same four-month period.

NOM's Anti-Gay March for Marriage Was Pathetic

Rich Juzwiak · 06/19/14 03:10PM

Today, a handful of people favoring the preservation of an abstract institution over the quality of actual human lives took to the west lawn of the U.S. Capitol for the March for Marriage, which was organized by the hate group the National Organization for Marriage. Usual suspects like Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee showed up to spout the usual rhetoric: ensuring that gay people can't get married is about love not hate, kids need a mother and a father, people need the religious freedom to discriminate against whomever they arbitrarily choose, and gay people are bullies for fighting back at the o.g. bullies who go out of their way to interfere with and cast judgement on their lives. There was also the repeated claim that gay marriage has never been enacted by popular vote, which is just bullshit. Shocking that the "traditional marriage" crowd would resort to lies to keep people persuaded.

An AIDS Movie About Living: Test

Rich Juzwiak · 06/12/14 03:00PM

In 2014, a story about AIDS in San Francisco in 1985 is as relevant as ever. Though it shares subject matter, Chris Mason Johnson's Test is the virtual antithesis of Ryan Murphy and Larry Kramer's survey of the early plague years, The Normal Heart, which aired last month on HBO. Test is smaller in scale, more intimate, virtually free of melodrama, and features characters whose relationship to AIDS is not that they are dying from it, but that they are living in fear of it.

Rick Perry, a Moron, Says Homosexuality Is Like Alcoholism

Hamilton Nolan · 06/12/14 08:10AM

Blow-dried idiot and Texas Governor Rick "See My Glasses?" Perry has done some thinking, about these homos. Rick Perry is now prepared to answer your homosexual questions, in a hilariously poor fashion.

Gay Marriage Responsible for UCSB Shootings, Says Thinker

Rich Juzwiak · 05/29/14 12:30PM

In a discussion with Tony Perkins, president of the hate group Family Research Council, FRC senior fellow (aka well-paid intern?) Ken Blackwell blamed gays and the acceptance of them for Elliot Rodger's mass shooting. Hey, why not?

Rich Juzwiak · 05/16/14 10:34AM

Dallas' own Aunt Sassy, Amy Kushnir, appeared last night on Fox News to defend her allergic reaction to seeing Michael Sam kiss his boyfriend. Spoiler alert: "Blah blah blah traditional values blah blah blah." Homophobia, by the way, is a traditional value.

Rich Juzwiak · 05/14/14 01:53PM

A response to those who lost and are still losing their shit over the Michael Sam kiss: "There simply needs to be more queer smooching to desensitize the world. So with that, I hereby launch the Great Facebook Kiss-In, urging everyone...to change their profile pics to two women kissing or two men kissing."

Basketball Player Dons Drag, Throws Up, Comes Around on Gays

Rich Juzwiak · 04/22/14 12:10PM

Meet Brandon, a "pro basketball player," who was somehow roped into getting married on the RuPaul's Drag Race stage while wearing female drag (his wife was in a tux), all the while voicing his extreme discomfort with the situation and his teammates' potential responses. And then, during judging, when everyone onstage and sitting on the panel laughed at this discomfort, he left the stage to throw up.

Dustin Lance Black Is Slut-Shamed By Alma Mater, Shames Back

Rich Juzwiak · 04/18/14 10:45AM

Over a month ago, screenwriter Dustin Lance Black was invited to speak at the commencement of his alma mater, Pasadena City College. And then, after the PCC Board of Trustees found out that in 2009, pictures of Black having unprotected sex with a boyfriend leaked on the internet, he was disinvited.

Sometimes You’ve Gotta Fight To Get A Bit of Peace

Chanda Hsu Prescod-Weinstein · 03/29/14 01:11PM

Earlier this month, two young, beautiful Black women, Britney Cosby and Crystal Jackson, were left dead by a dumpster in Texas*. Their apparent crime? Being in a romantic love that by all friends' accounts was sweet and wonderful. Their apparent murderer? The father of one of the women didn't like her sexual orientation, her relationship, or her girlfriend, and he killed them both, leaving them to rot like garbage.

Rich Juzwiak · 03/13/14 05:14PM

"It's Hell in Nigeria" is Mother Jones' assessment of gay life in Nigeria in the wake of the country's recent anti-gay law. It's all harrowing, though how it's affecting HIV treatment is particularly shameful. Read it.