
Strike-Hobbled Awards Shows Brace For A Bleak, Banterless Future

mark · 11/16/07 03:00PM

In yet another story about How The Writers Strike Has Affected, Is Currently Affecting, Our Will Affect The Lives of TV And/Or Movie-Loving Americans, the AP looks at the impact the walkout may have on the slew of upcoming awards shows dependent on the work of WGA professionals to provide the monologue jokes, seemingly off-the-cuff banter, and cutting-edge film-parody montages that help fill out the ceremonies' blink-and-you've-missed-four-hours-of-your-life- you'll-never-get-back running times. Reps from the Academy and the HFPA opine on how the strike might hamper both Hollywood's Biggest and Drunkest Nights, respectively:

mark · 11/16/07 01:30PM

In an open letter to America, Hollywood tries to explain why all those people in red shirts keep turning up on the evening news: "2. Writers are greedy jerks who hate you. This is a little known fact, but all writers are paid in gold and candy. Now they want to be paid in platinum and caviar. I'm not making this up. I tried to tell them that, frankly, gold and candy is the better deal. But you know what they did? They spit on me, and they kicked me in my male bathing-suit area. Is that the act of reasonable people? No. It's the act of greedy jerks who hate you. Boo." [The Morning News]

Striking Colbert Writers Present 'Leave The AMPTP Alone Guy'

mark · 11/16/07 12:47PM

Following their Not The Daily Show colleagues' very successful foray into the world of viral WGA-solidarity videos, some striking Colbert Report writers have whipped up the videologblog of "hungVP158," a studio executive who realizes it's finally time for the AMPTP to take to the YouTubes to fight back against the wave of pro-scribe sentiment being spread by camcorder-wielding propagandists trying to keep busy in between picketing shifts.

Sumner Redstone, Nick Counter Feel The Sharpie-Induced Sting Of Gay Gate Picketers

mark · 11/15/07 06:25PM

Carrying on the new, but still proud, tradition of provocative signage that's been established during this nearly two-week old WGA strike, picketers at today's Gay Gate march took Sharpie to posterboard and hit the sidewalks outside of Raleigh Studios. We'll leave it to you to judge how this batch compares to previous efforts from the line, but we will say this: we're glad that the artist behind Katherine Heigl's now-infamous placard wasn't on hand to lend his talents to the cause, for a cartoon depiction of Sumner Redstone engaged in any kind of intimate act would likely haunt us until the possibly distant day writers return to work.

mark · 11/15/07 04:50PM

After drawing his 100-decibel HuffPo blogophone to his lips to let Hollywood know he's displeased that his personal strike fund is being rapidly depleted by his constant contributions to his children's swear jar (if this keeps up, they'll have enough saved for Priuses of their own by February), Endeavor superagent Ari Emanuel directs his frustration at WGA negotiator David Young, reminding him that all the red-shirted groupie tail he's been pulling after crowd-surfing at Guild rallies will dry up if he forgets what made him so desirable in the first place: "And Dave Young, the writers' chief negotiator, seems to be basking in the limelight, telling the LA Times that he was treated like "a rock star" at rallies and pickets all over town. Must be heady for a union organizer who came out of the schmata business. Yes, Hollywood is intoxicating. But Dave, you need to remember that people are hurting — and that this is not about you, and it's not about being a rock star. In any case, rock stars don't get the cheers and the adulation and the groupies and the money by not recording records and not going out on tour. They get in the studio, they hit the road, they make deals." [HuffPo]

'Diff'rent Strokes' Victim Todd Bridges Guest-Stars in A Very Special Episode Of 'Everybody Hates Studio Moguls'

mark · 11/15/07 12:48PM

Selflessly lending his image to the WGA cause, oft-troubled former child actor Todd Bridges has teamed up with Everybody Hates Chris showrunner Ali LeRoi in an impassioned plea to the studios, begging them to share in profits that could save writers (and the next generation of young performers) from a bleak future of crack addiction, armed robbery, and desperate participation in televised, exploitative bloodsports. If Bridges' tear-soaked appeal can't thaw the hearts of those controlling the industry that once drove him to the pipe, this strike may never end.

WGA Gays Maximize Their Picketing Time With Singles' Mixer

seth · 11/14/07 08:25PM

As the strike drags on into its second week, minority artist factions have begun to splinter off for their own satellite demonstrations — notable instances include yesterday's wildly successful "Picketing with the Stars" event at Universal Studios, and the lesser-attended Eleven Man March on the Mall, in which every working African-American WGA member hoisted placards at The Grove. In that vein, the Hot in Hollywood blog is helping to organize what to our knowledge will be the first Gay Writer's Pride Parade in history:

mark · 11/14/07 05:10PM

Lost in all the hubbub over the delicious, if nutritionally suspect, sticks of cinnamon-caked goodness CAA's Armani-clad cater-waiters served to striking writers from atop sparkling, silver trays was the Agency for the Performing Arts' far healthier option: granola bars and Capri Sun juices, fare that earned the smaller shop 6 out of 10 health points in this round-up of picket-line snacks, a score easily surpassing the -2 assigned to the churros. On this day, at least, no one was asking, "Who the fuck invited APA?" [LAT]

Where In The Hollywood World Is The Incredible Picketing Baby?

mark · 11/14/07 04:27PM

While other protestors have recently opted for more scatological expressions of frustration with their stubborn, internet-devaluing studio opponents, the Incredible Picketing Baby, unquestionably the work stoppage's breakout star, is keeping things classy at the Warner Bros. line today. We're especially enamored of her Goodnight Moonves sign, which instantly brings to mind the bedtime story being read to the children of parents weary from their long hours on the picket line, in which a union-supporting youngster wishes a fitful night's sleep to the studio executives whose ears are still ringing from yet another day of headache-inducing chants.

AMPTP President Nick Counter's Picket Sign Popularity At All-Time HIgh

mark · 11/14/07 02:21PM

No, this WGA picketer's sign (click the photo to enlarge) probably won't help to elevate the level of discourse in the already-ugly war of words raging between the writers and studios, but it may finally force AMPTP bogeyman Nick Counter to address some of the rapidly proliferating rumors concerning him on his organization's website:

mark · 11/13/07 08:09PM

We don't know exactly how long Matthew Perry spent marching alongside his WGA compatriots at today's Picketing with the Stars jamboree at Universal, but the strain of trudging in circles toting his NICK COUNTER IS NO FRIEND OF MINE sign clearly took a significant physical toll on the actor. Even after he tried to reduce his exertion-induced pallor by gobbling down a handful of agency-supplied churros, a local TV reporter still approached him with an awkward barrage of questions about what it was like to work with Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn on Wedding Crashers. [Photos: AP]

mark · 11/13/07 06:06PM

Asks a puzzled attendee of the just-commenced Picketing with the Stars Strikestravaganza: "Just got back from Universal. Why does Ray Romano show up at a picket with his bodyguards?" After quickly scanning some early wire photos of the event, we think we have an explanation: while Everybody Loves Raymond co-creator Phil Rosenthal, the bruiser pictured with Romano, certainly looks intimidating enough to provide all the protection the comedian might need at a seemingly friendly rally, he'd still require the services of a security professional should a disgruntled writer fired off the series' first season decide to settle an old score by trying to plunge the sharpened handle of his NO NERDS NO WORDS sign into the actor's back as he granted a TV interview. [Photo: AP]

Breaking! Amazing Striking Baby Stealing Spotlight From Hollywood's Picketing Stars

mark · 11/13/07 04:38PM

Having recently energized weary strikers on the Paramount beat and at Friday's the Fox rally with her adorably galvanizing presence and unmatched slogan-authorizing abilities, the Incredible Picketing Baby was spotted just a little while ago at the still-in-progress, celebrity-studded event at Universal, where her presence is undoubtedly overshadowing that of the higher-billed TV stars trying to flag down photographers who might capture for posterity the special moment when they hand a still-steaming Dominos Pizza to a hungry-looking scribe. Should the WGA spokesbaby's popularity continue to explode, she may soon require the services of a publicist to handle a flood of demands for her presence at picket lines desperately in need of a morale boost.

mark · 11/13/07 02:41PM

With a male-to-female ratio nearly as favorable as that of the average nuclear submarine crew, there is perhaps no better place for single women to prowl for companionship than their local WGA picket line: "Ladies! Meet Available Striking Writers We're there all this week from 6am-3pm. Come on by! Grab a sign and walk back and forth across the street with us. Stay for 5 minutes or for as long as you like. If you see someone interesting, just strike (hah hah) up a conversation. We need new people to talk to. But if you don't click with anyone, you can just duck out. No pressure. Remember, we'll be working again at some point." [Craigslist]