
'Neil Armstrong - LYING PIECE OF MASON SH*T: Good RIDDANCE': Moon Truthers Mourn a Legend

Max Read · 08/27/12 02:25PM

Neil Armstrong, the first human being to ever set foot on the moon, died over the weekend, triggering an avalanche of eulogies, remembrances, and memorials. Both from the vast majority of human beings who are in awe of Armstrong's feat — and from the few hundred weirdos on the internet who believe the moon landing was faked by Illuminati Reptilians.

Elaborate Hoax Credits New York Times' Bill Keller With Pro-WikiLeaks Op-Ed

Louis Peitzman · 07/29/12 10:14AM

The Bill Keller who wrote the op-ed "WikiLeaks, a Post Postscript" makes his position clear: regardless of your feelings about Julian Assange, WikiLeaks must be protected under the First Amendment — so, too, the New York Times reporters who published stories based on WikiLeaks information.

Fake Worlds Collide: Woman Posed As a Boy to Seduce a Minor, Then Helped Solve an Online Cancer Hoax

Adrian Chen · 06/14/12 12:49PM

Last week we brought you the story of how a group of online detectives uncovered an elaborate internet cancer hoax that lasted for 11 years. But as they worked to get to the bottom of one hoax, an even more twisted one was right in their midst: now it's been revealed that one of the people involved in the investigation was a woman posing as a teenage boy to prey on an underaged girl.

Hey, Has Anyone Seen Exploded Yacht Debris?

Louis Peitzman · 06/11/12 10:43PM

Earlier tonight, there were reports of a yacht explosion off the coast of Sandy Hook, New Jersey: 21 passengers, 9 of them badly burned, had apparently escaped into life boats.

The Long, Fake Life of J.S. Dirr: A Decade-Long Internet Cancer Hoax Unravels

Adrian Chen · 06/06/12 10:06AM

On the evening of May 13, Mother's Day, a Canadian woman named Dana Dirr was hit head-on while driving to the Saskatchewan hospital where she worked as a trauma surgeon. She was 35 weeks pregnant, but determined to work until the moment she gave birth. The morning after the crash, her husband John ("J.S.") Dirr posted a note on Warrior Eli, a Facebook page the Dirrs had created to document their 5-year-old son Eli's battle with cancer: "Last night at 12:02am I lost the love of my life," J.S. wrote. "I lost my wife, the mother of my children, and my best friend." Miraculously, Dana had held on in the hospital just long enough to have her baby—a daughter, and the Dirr's eleventh child.

Kim Kardashian Did Not Get Kraftwerk Tickets, Despite What Twitter Thinks

Max Read · 02/22/12 04:14PM

Tickets went on sale online today for the eight concerts that seminal electronic band Kraftwerk is playing at the Museum of Modern Art in April (one for each album). As is often the case in these situations, a lot of people didn't get tickets. (Your blogger included.) The internet's Jake Fogelnest noticed, and faked a retweet from Kim Kardashian claiming that she'd gotten tickets. And who'd have thought? People bought it.

How I Made $70 Selling Myself on Twitter

Max Read · 01/13/12 04:05PM

Do you know how easy it is to make money on Twitter? I found out this morning when a bunch of pranksters turned me on to a service called Pay4Tweet that they'd used to Tweet disgusting pictures to hundreds of thousands of people. I signed up — and made 70 bucks while people Tweeted "fuck you" to my boss.

How a Twitter Cabal of Diaper-Obsessed Madmen Killed Scott Baio

Max Read · 12/14/11 06:20PM

#RIPScottBaio was trending on Twitter this afternoon, despite the effusive and vulgar protestations of the Joanie and Chachi star. If you'd visited Wikipedia, searching (as one does) for some "Baio"-graphical information, you would've learned what killed him: diaper rash. "There was only one way to spread awareness of the very real threat of 'diaper death,'" I was told when I talked the guy who'd kicked off the rumor.

Did an A-List: Dallas Star Fake His Own Gay-On-Gay Hate Crime?

Seth Abramovitch · 10/11/11 12:39AM

Tonight marks the premiere of The A-List: Dallas, the second installment in Logo's ongoing investigation into the shopping habits, eating disorders and testicular size discrepancies of the 10 percent of the 1 percent who make up America's homosexual elite. And already it's tinged with sssssscandale!

Wikileaks Honors Steve Jobs with Fake HIV Report

Adrian Chen · 10/06/11 12:09PM

There have been plenty of absurd tributes to Steve Jobs. But the most tone-deaf has got to be the one by Wikileaks, which last night tweeted a link to a faked copy of the former Apple CEO's positive "H.I.V. report." RIP, Steve!

David Petraeus Is Probably Not Going to Marry This Taiwanese Engineer

Max Read · 09/14/11 08:18PM

It sure seems unlikely that David Petraeus, the married director of the C.I.A., would be seducing Taiwanese engineers on Skype in order to cash his, uh, paychecks from the NATO operation in Libya, doesn't it? But try telling that to Liu Shuzhen, who is pretty insistent that she and Petraeus are getting married, any day now.