That's comedian Brett Eidman doing a racist, Breakfast at Tiffany's-esque "ching chong"/"Me So Horny" routine in the faces of an Asian couple. At the end, the guy he's mocking punches him — kind of. It's more of a shove, really, but you see what the guy was going for.

Or do you? This seems like a setup for a few reasons. There are multiple versions of the video online (here is a closer angle). It seems unlikely that one person would be filming this terrible guy's terrible set — that two people were is downright suspicious. Eidman is also seemingly very proud of being publicly humiliated. He repeatedly tweeted about it this week:

On his Facebook, Eidman posted a bizarre lament to this recurring Asian stereotype character of his:

Sometimes comedy really sucks. Rest in Peace Dom Fok. Thank you for being part of my set for so many years. I love doing this character, but it's time to say goodbye. I was told many years ago by a couple of big time comedian friends that this was the kind of bit that could get me noticed. They were wrong. I also thought the stage was the only safe place to truly express myself. I was wrong. I will heal and regroup and hit the stage again soon. I'm just glad this ass wipe didn't have a gun. Thank you and goodnight.

The lack of a logical thread here suggests he's either an idiot or a very bad liar. (Definitely read the responses from his weirdo supporters, who say things like, "Im sorry to see that this happened to you but retiring Dom Fuk is not the answer.")

And then he posted:

I took one for the team and it goes viral. Thank you, I think.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean? What team? The Springfied Supermacists? The Hatfield Haters? The Eugene Eugenicists?

As his crocodile tears over retiring his Dom Fok character imply, Eidman's humor has a history of racism. Here's more Dom Fok. Here's a character called "Mi Dik." If the punching video above is a hoax, fuck this guy. He's gloating while admitting that telling racist jokes is an asshole thing to do that will get your ass punched. It's also the worst way possible to launch a career: did this guy learn nothing from Michael Richards?

If this isn't a hoax, fuck this guy harder.

[via Buzfeed]