
Recession Finally Reaches Law School Professors

Hamilton Nolan · 08/12/13 02:52PM

Law school, long a cushy institution that charged steep prices in exchange for steeper rewards, is seeing its popularity crumble along with the job prospects of law school graduates. Now, it seems, the crisis's claws are sinking into the most vulnerable victims: law school professors.

J-School Teachers Are Wrong About J-School

Hamilton Nolan · 08/09/13 09:56AM

In a new survey from Poynter, 57% of actual media professionals say that a journalism school degree is very or extremely important for "understanding the values of journalism." But 96% of J-school teachers say that it is. This is all you need to know about J-school.

Public University Tries to Create a Christian Dorm

Hamilton Nolan · 08/05/13 12:04PM

Just when you think that the state of Alabama has taken the summer off from providing fodder for desperate bloggers, Troy University— a public university, based in Alabama— goes and announces it's opening a brand new dorm just for Christians.

Hamilton Nolan · 07/30/13 10:21AM

Do several high profile incidents over the past decade mean that there is a "sinister trend" of sexual abuse by college music professors? (No.)

Afghanistan's College Students Are Just Like Ours: Dumb and Angry

Hamilton Nolan · 07/30/13 09:53AM

When the violence, strife, and cold-blooded realpolitik world of international relations starts to get you down, take heart in this truth: no matter where you go— from Kansas City to Kabul— college kids will be angry, shouty, and dumb.

The College Boom Has Peaked

Hamilton Nolan · 07/26/13 09:31AM

An entire generation of Americans has been sold the idea of higher education as a panacea for all ills. That generation of Americans is now shackled with giant and unsustainable levels of student debt. And now, it appears that the big college tidal wave has crested, and is beginning to crash down.

Families Are Doing College on the Cheap

Hamilton Nolan · 07/23/13 09:58AM

A big new annual survey on how Americans pay for college is out today, and the trend lines are clear: families are finding ways to kick in less for school, and nobody's bearing the brunt of the trend more than black students.

Creationist Astronomy Professor's Class Should Be Easy

Hamilton Nolan · 07/09/13 12:16PM

Ball State University has hired a new astronomy professor: Guillermo Gonzalez, who was denied tenure at his last school because he believes in intelligent design. It's a good ol' time in the science lab, ahoy!

Look, It's a Good Idea About How to Pay for College

Hamilton Nolan · 07/03/13 03:33PM

Americans are currently drowning in student debt. Debates over this issue tend to descend into arguments over whether college is "worth it." Meanwhile, debt-hobbled graduates scrounge unsuccessfully for living-wage jobs. Oregon has a better idea.

Hamilton Nolan · 06/26/13 08:35AM

A new report says the majority of Americans with student loans are "concerned they will be unable to repay their debt." Next week, federal student loan rates are likely to double.

Colleges Are Spending All Their Money on Your Precious Fancy Dorms

Hamilton Nolan · 06/25/13 08:41AM

College, an institution that, like one of those "deluxe" raffle tickets, extracts a hefty fee in exchange for a chance of entry into a higher social class, is very expensive these days. Why? According to one new analysis, it's because of your sniveling need for "nice" dorms and food.

Professor Fired Just for Asking a Female Student to Suck His Dick

Hamilton Nolan · 06/10/13 09:46AM

In the good old days, college students had respect for their elders. But now, it seems, we live in a time when it's considered "okay" for a tenured professor to be dismissed from his job just for suggesting that a student suck his dick. Has political correctness gone too far?

Community Colleges Are Segregated and Unequal

Hamilton Nolan · 05/28/13 10:13AM

More than 40% of American college students are enrolled in a community college. The problems facing community colleges resemble the problems facing public schools more than the problems facing larger universities. In particular, racial segregation and inequality.