
IMs, Texts Reveal New Details in Rutgers Spycam Suicide

Max Read · 08/13/11 02:06PM

Hundreds of pages of documents relating to the suicide of Rutgers student Tyler Clementi were released today, and, well, if you thought the story of a gay college freshman jumping off the George Washington bridge after his roommate set up a spy cam in their dorm room couldn't get any more unbelievably sad and tragic... think again.

Gay Teen Now Being Blamed for His Own Murder

Brian Moylan · 08/11/11 02:32PM

Fifteen year-old Larry King (no relation to the CNN interviewer) was shot twice in the back of the head by his classmate Brandon McInerney while sitting in school in Oxnard, California. Now that McInerney is on trial, the boy's legal team and the school administration are using the tried and true "he was asking for it" defense. This is totally disgusting.

Mississippi Teen: 'I Ran That N—er Over'

Hamilton Nolan · 08/09/11 09:18AM

June 26, James C. Anderson, a 46 year-old auto worker and a black man, was standing in a Jackson, Mississippi motel parking lot. Then, police say, a car full of teenagers pulled up. They beat Anderson. Then ran him over.

Maine Mosque Vandalized Following Bin Laden Death

TPM · 05/02/11 07:52PM

On Monday in Portland, ME the walls of the largest mosque in town were spray-painted with "Osama today, Islam tomorow [sic]" and other phrases, sometime following morning prayers on the day after American forces killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.

Two Arrested for Homophobic Assault at Stonewall Inn

Max Read · 10/04/10 09:22PM

Two men have been arrested after assaulting a man in the Stonewall Inn, the iconic Manhattan gay bar and "ground zero" of the gay-rights movement. "What kind of bar is this?" one of them asked, before hitting the victim.

Man Charged With Hate Crime For Punching Sikh Store Clerk

Remy Stern · 08/31/10 10:10PM

A Washington man was charged with a hate crime today for assaulting a 7-11 clerk wearing a turban last week. His words to the convenience store employee? "You're not even American, you're Al-Qaeda. Go back to your country."