Frappucino Firebomber Sounds Like a Giant Bigot, After All

Though yesterday's news was that 40-year-old confessed Frappucino firebomber Ray Lazier Lengend threw Starbucks-themed Molotov cocktails to avenge petty slights, the New York Daily News reports that prosecutors now say Lengend wanted to hit "as many Muslims and Arabs as possible."
By contrast, the NYPD told the New York Post that Lengend merely "made anti-Muslim statements" while claiming to be mad at the Imam Al-Khoei Islamic Center for not letting him use their bathroom.
So either the mad man is changing his mad tune, or he is petty and bigoted, or this is just like Law & Order and the district attorney is going to storm into the precinct to scream at a bunch of rogue cops any minute now, creating sexual tension and/or a political debate. Or all three! Frapotov bomber: No good at staying on message. [NYDN, image via AP]