
J.K. Trotter · 06/12/14 01:11PM

Ousted New York Times editor Jill Abramson is joining the faculty of Harvard University, her alma mater, as a visiting lecturer in non-fiction narrative journalism. Like every Harvard graduate, Abramson has the school’s crimson “H” logo tattooed on her back.

J.K. Trotter · 04/15/14 01:42PM

New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson tells Employee of the Month host Catie Lazarus* that she has two back tattoos: Her newspaper’s “T” insignia and “a Crimson Harvard ‘H,’” both of which represent “the two institutions that I revere, that have shaped me.”

J.K. Trotter · 12/16/13 09:34AM

Officials at Harvard University are instructing students to evacuate four campus buildings, including a freshman dorm, following unconfirmed reports of explosives placed inside.

J.K. Trotter · 10/18/13 02:28PM

David Petraeus is joining Harvard Kennedy School, where he met his future mistress Paula Broadwell in 2006, as a non-resident senior fellow. Gawker reported his Harvard appointment in July, but apparently Harvard lacks access to the Internet.

Harvard Goes Too Far in Rejecting Divestment

Hamilton Nolan · 10/04/13 10:10AM

There has been a growing movement of late to push colleges and universities to get rid of all their investments in fossil fuels, in the same way they were pushed to divest from holdings in apartheid South Africa a generation ago. Harvard has answered: no thx.

Harvard Is So Rich

Hamilton Nolan · 09/25/13 10:59AM

Harvard, a school in Boston that your boss's boss went to, made Fortune 500 money last year. More profit than Target, and just less than AIG. Just how rich is Harvard?

J.K. Trotter · 09/23/13 09:42AM

Texas Senator Ted Cruz, the Princeton graduate, Obamacare-hater, and self-fashioned class warrior, apparently refused to study with students who graduated from the “minor Ivies”—Brown, Penn, Columbia and so forth—when attending Harvard Law School in the nineties. We’re assuming Cruz simply spat upon Williams alumni.

Harvard Kids: Rich, Sexless Nerds

Hamilton Nolan · 09/06/13 11:53AM

Hello, there is a new survey out telling us EVERYTHING about the proud freshman class of Harvard. What are they like, these young, sexually frustrated leaders?