
Harvard Crimson Editors Have Bigger Balls Than Your Media Boss

Cord Jefferson · 09/04/12 01:42PM

The privileged young people of Harvard College are not often recognized for their integrity and backbone. They made a whole movie about how Zuckerberg stole Facebook from the terrible Winklevoss twins, for instance. And just last week more than 100 Harvard students came under fire for a cheating scandal that reportedly found them plagiarizing and colluding with one another on the take-home final exam. But today, two editors at the Harvard Crimson are returning some credibility to the ivy-est of Ivy League schools.

Creepy 27-Year-Old Posed as Harvard Frosh Because He 'Was Lonely'

Max Read · 12/14/11 12:20PM

Last Thursday, a 27-year-old named Abe Liu was cited by Harvard police for "using a falsified identification card" and warned against trespassing in college dorms. It was apparently the first time he'd encountered the police—but he'd spent the semester posing as a Harvard College freshman, sleeping in friends' dorm rooms and even posing for a fashion feature in The Harvard Crimson, apparently because he "was lonely."

'Harvardian's Guide to the Real World' Is Exactly What You Think It Will Be

Maureen O'Connor · 04/27/11 04:21PM

Ah, springtime in Cambridge! The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, and the Harvard seniors are wetting their beds on a nightly basis at the prospect of entering "the real world." (As opposed to the elaborate hologram that is life on campus. You thought you lost your virginity in college? Guess again! That wasn't reality, it was a lucid dream.)

When Ross Douthat Was 'That Guy' at Harvard

Adrian Chen · 01/25/10 09:44PM

You know, That Guy: The conservative dude who ranged the quad like a pro-life Socrates, challenging Liberals to another insufferable partial-birth abortion fight? The guy who ruined all your parties; the guy with the... weird posters on his dorm wall.

'n+1' Tour '07: Be There For The Magic!

Emily · 04/09/07 11:57AM

"I think we want to actually meet our readers," n+1 founding editor Mark Grief tells his alma mater's newspaper, the Harvard Crimson. With that firm conviction, Mark and his fellow alums will undertake "a week-long tour of greater New England," including three different stops in Cambridge! Maybe while he's there he'll encounter the kind of dissenting opinions from readers that he says he craves. "If you could go to your readers and they would stand up and denounce you, then you really have something," says Grief. You heard him, Harvardites! Go confront the n+1sters! Just make sure you've actually read an issue of their precious magazine first. That way you'll be able to judge whether or not it has effectively "called for a re-imagining of literary and political life," as editor Chad D. Harbach ('97) puts it. While you're dissenting, maybe ask for an internship!