Narcissistic Startup Founder Asks the World Whether He Should Attend Harvard
Ryan Tate · 08/08/11 05:07PM
Should Mike Moradian get a Harvard MBA? Or should Mike Moradian forever change education with his awesome web startup? Mike Moradian is tortured by this decision, so he has asked the nation to think about what will make the brightest possible future for Mike Moradian and then to get back to Mike Moradian with a recommendation. Don't you already want to help?
Big Trouble In Little Cambridge
Foster Kamer · 06/14/09 04:18PMValleygrrl
Alaska Miller · 09/23/08 06:40PMWhile you can't legally say Harvard MBAs are the reason to blame for our economy tanking or your company imploding, you can slyly hint at it. Especially if you've got Ray Soifer's papers on the long-studied effect of Harvard Business School graduates to point to. Today's featured commenter, Valleygrrl, most likely didn't go to HBS, but she's going to tell you the real live experience of working in the field:
Harvard MBAs the most toxic investment on Wall Street
Owen Thomas · 09/23/08 01:00PM
Ray Soifer, a top-rated banking analyst based in Arizona, has an explanation for the crisis gripping the stock market: Blame Harvard! Soifer has long studied the proportion of Harvard MBAs who pursue careers in finance; when more than 3 in 10 head for Wall Street, it's time for investors to sell, he says. The implication: Harvard MBAs, in aggregate, subtract value. Alas, his study comes out once a year, so it's no use to short-term investors. But we'd love to know what Soifer would find if he studied the correlation of Harvard MBAs heading to the Valley with venture-capital returns. The results would be edifying — especially for investors in Facebook, whose Harvard dropout CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, is currently guided by COO Sheryl Sandberg, Harvard Business School '95. (Photo by Harvard Business School)