While you can't legally say Harvard MBAs are the reason to blame for our economy tanking or your company imploding, you can slyly hint at it. Especially if you've got Ray Soifer's papers on the long-studied effect of Harvard Business School graduates to point to. Today's featured commenter, Valleygrrl, most likely didn't go to HBS, but she's going to tell you the real live experience of working in the field:

are you kidding? When the management is made up mostly of HBS grads, it's time to run for the hills. Why?

1. 3 words: death by powerpoint

2. They don't want to do any real work, they think of themselves as CEO and simple tasks are beneath them.

3. They are political animals, creating a culture of anger and hostility. They would stab their own mother to get ahead.

Like lions on the savannah, too much population density leads to in fighting and eventually, murder.