
Television for News Junkies Who Are Tired of Watching the News

Richard Lawson · 11/10/08 12:37PM

So the election is over! What good news for us and what terrible news for... um, news. All the CNN and MSNBC and Fox junkies who were glued to the tube while the election Wehrmacht rolled its ruinous iron wheels over the land will now be leaving the news behind and returning to their regularly scheduled shitty programming. Or at least the people in charge of that shitty programming hope so! It's kind of a crock theory because news nets' ratings weren't that high that they seemed to be distracting a huge amount of TV watchers, and regular television was in a decline long before people started caring about politics anyway. But there must be some folks who traded their CSI for their POTUS and would now like an inroad back to the glorious world of primetime entertainment TV, hopefully with a methadone-dash of politics thrown in to add a bit of spice. And we've got a guide to Politics-related television for them, after the jump! How handy!

The Oscars! In 10 Bullet Points

Richard Lawson · 02/25/08 04:40PM

Oscars!! Or, Academy Awards!! It's all anyone's ever going to talk about until the rest of forever!! Or, at least until the end of today. Are you a weird nerd who didn't watch and doesn't get the joke when someone runs around the room shrieking "Gary Busey attack!!!" ? Do you not know that European people are slowly taking over this country by way of our most precious resource, beautiful awards? Well get with it! This is majorly important stuff here. After the jump, find our extremely useful list of bullet points.