
Judge Blocks Disgusting Warnings on Cigarette Ads

Brian Moylan · 11/07/11 03:35PM

In a verdict that will please every American who goes into a convenience store, a judge ruled that the FDA can't make cigarette companies put graphic and disgusting anti-smoking warnings on their packaging. Thank god.

Here's a Man Eating a Live Scorpion

Lauri Apple · 10/19/11 03:55AM

Louis Cole is a man with a pleasant British accent and extremely unpleasant eating habits—the latter guided in part by his fans, who make suggestions about what he should stunt-eat next. "To Louis, anything is food," says his Facebook page; his YouTube channel, FoodforLouis, confirms this, with featuring him eating all kinds of bugs and even "blended mice." Here we see him crunching on a live scorpion—who really wants to sting him (mostly because it's cynical about Louis' motives) but doesn't get the chance. Louis nearly gags during the mastication process, but rather calmly gets the job done without serious interruption.

Survivor's Meat-Hoarding Mouth Challenge Is Disgusting

Maureen O'Connor · 10/13/11 02:53PM

Reality television has folded in on itself so many times, parody versions are barely distinguishable from the real thing. Case in point: The contestants of Survivor with their hands tied behind their backs, tearing at pig carcasses with their mouths. With their gaping maws full of animal flesh, they race to a pair of bins to spit the meat out. They are judged by the amount of meat they hoarded.

Thumb-Toe Replacement Surgery Not Exactly a Success

Max Read · 10/04/11 11:09PM

So, here is the kind of care you can expect if you are a migrant worker in China who cuts off his own thumb in an accident: The doctor will, over your objections, replace the missing thumb with one of your toes. Aaaaand... that's basically it. You say your foot hurts and your new thumb-toe is useless? No, sorry, that's actually not true: "Huiyang Bone-setting Hospital... insists that the thumb has recovered." We tend to agree with this commenter: "Strongly recommended that the doctor transplant his buttocks onto his head!" [ChinaSmack]

Man Pleads Guilty to Serving Woman Yogurt with His Semen in It

Brian Moylan · 09/29/11 08:32PM

You know how you get all excited every time you go to the grocery store and there's someone serving up those free samples. That's about to be ruined forever. That's because one guy plead guilty to putting his jizz in a yogurt sample he served to a woman.

West Coast Heroin Now Comes With Free Botulism

Jeff Neumann · 09/15/11 04:37AM

Bad news for West Coast junkies (is there really any other kind of news for junkies?): Two cases of suspected botulism in Seattle have been blamed on tainted black tar heroin, in addition to four recently in Texas, according to the Los Angeles Times. It's especially bad because the only real way to find out your stash is tainted is to contract botulism!

Don't Go Hang Gliding if You Have to Puke

Max Read · 09/13/11 06:55PM

Really, you probably shouldn't do anything if you feel like you have to puke, except go to the bathroom. But you especially shouldn't go hang gliiding. That being said, we're very impressed with this gentleman's ability to direct the stream of high-speed vomit away from his instructor. (Although, the poor people on the ground!) [via Reddit]

Politicians Still Won't Let Us Eat Frankenfish

Jeff Neumann · 09/12/11 06:31AM

Just last year it seemed almost inevitable that genetically engineered Frankenfish would soon be readily available to American consumers. But some lawmakers, like Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, are a little creeped out by the idea and are holding up FDA approval. Murkowski told the AP that the idea of eating Frankenfish "kind of gives me the heebie jeebies."

How to Make Fried 'Bubblegum,' the Latest Texas Treat

Lauri Apple · 09/06/11 03:30AM

Organizers of the State Fair of Texas have just announced the winners of the Big Tex Choice Awards—the annual cooking deep-frying contest for fair concessionaires—and for the "most creative" dish they chose Fried Bubblegum. Which doesn't have any gum in it. Creative! Also: what?

Boring Cannibal Chef Settles for Human Meatballs

Max Read · 08/30/11 08:28PM

You'd think a professional chef who is also a cannibal would be into some ambitious human meat food, right? Nope! A 21-year-old Russian cook and (now-jailed) cannibal settled for some boring old meatballs and sausages.

JetBlue Urinator's Olympic Dreams Have Trickled Away

Jeff Neumann · 08/12/11 06:38AM

Of course the New York Post followed the guy who peed on a sleeping 11-year-old during a JetBlue flight all the way up to his parents' home in Vermont yesterday, where the reporter was greeted with, "We have no comment, nothing to say" from his mother. The paper notes that the pisser and his mother were unloading skis and luggage. As it turns out, 18-year-old Robert "Sandy" Vietze is one of the top young alpine skiers in the country and is listed on the US Ski Team's Development Team roster. Until yesterday, that is.

This Guy Got Arrested for Popping His Zits in Public

Maureen O'Connor · 08/11/11 05:44PM

Did you know you can get arrested for popping your zits in public? Well, maybe not you, because you don't have warrants out for your arrest. (Do you?) But if you are Owen Lemire Kato of Cape Coral, Florida, and have an OxyContin syringe in your pocket and outstanding drug-related arrests, and spend ten minutes popping the zits on your back outside a local McDonald's, and it ruins everyone's appetites, and some crazy person actually calls the cops to report you for grossing them out?