
Gittrich Ditches 'Daily News' For TV?

Pareene · 05/21/08 04:11PM

A source tells us that Metro ed Gregg Gittrich is indeed out at the Daily News. Gittrich was widely consdered a rising star, maybe even next in line for the managing editor gig. But the NYDN isn't great about holding onto talent. And maybe Greg's taste of TV glory on unwatched 2006 reality program Tabloid Wars inspired him—we hear he quit the Daily News to go to NBC. If you know what he may or may not be doing at NBC, drop us a line.

'Daily News' Loses 'Tabloid Wars' Star?

Pareene · 05/20/08 05:04PM

We're hearing problems at the Daily News! There are problems everywhere else, why not there, too. Metro editor Greg Gittrich is out? He was the anointed next-in-line to managing editor Stu Marques, supposedly, but now...? Is it true? Let us know.

'Tabloid Wars': Hanging in There, for Gittrich's Sake

Jessica · 08/15/06 08:15AM

Last night just may have marked the end of the affair. Episode 4 of Bravo's Daily News docu-series Tabloid Wars may have hit rock bottom in matters of both journalism and entertainment. Coverage of breaking news — two children scalded to death by their parents — is mostly shot in the newsroom, where reporter Kerry Burke's haircut is highlighted by the flourescent lights. Staff writer Tracy Connor plays water-gun assassin. Sports editor Leon Carter adds "color" to the episode with his "gruff black man" attitude. Sports intern is kind of pathetic. All in all, an incredibly uneventful episode — no excitement, not a lot of drama, and a complete lack of Hud Morgan. It was so uninspiring, we couldn't even bring ourselves to liveblog FishbowlNY editor Dylan Stableford's obsessive liveblogging.

Rest of America Not as Obsessed With 'Tabloid Wars'

Jessica · 07/27/06 02:40PM

Not being particularly fluent in ratings gibberish, we can at least tell you that P+2 is the important part in the above television ratings chart: it represents persons 2-years-old and up (all viewers, basically). Thus for the Monday night debut of Bravo's Daily News docu-whatever Tabloid Wars, only 240,000 people tuned in — and that's an absolute tragedy. We expected better, really. Does this mean that no one outside of New York cares about the inner workings of our local media? What, like we're living in some kind of bubble? No way. The adorable allure of deputy metro lovemonkey Greg Gittrich is universal.

Tomorrow on 'Today': A Real Live Newsroom!

Jessica · 07/25/06 03:40PM

If there's one thing the past few days have shown us, it's that the best way to revive the increasingly troglodytic newspaper industry is by putting newspapers on television. And now that the hardcore reporters at the Daily News are on the small screen with Bravo's docu-series Tabloid Wars, all the lazy small screen reporters suddenly give a shit about newsprint. Thus the Today show has been scuttling around the News offices for the past couple of hours, with entertainment correspondent Jill Rappaport shoving her formidable chin into everybody's business. A flakey news show covering a reality show about a legitimate news operation? Our blood sugar is too low to handle this sort of meta.

'Tabloid Wars' Blah Blah: Greg Gittrich, You Have Our Hearts and Our Pants

Jessica · 07/25/06 08:00AM

Having already seen the first episode and read countless reviews of Bravo's Tabloid Wars, the docu-series focusing on the journalistic drama hive that is the Daily News, we were all excited to write some sort of live-blog or insightful review of last night's premiere. But alas, there's only so much one can say when every. freaking. media. outlet. has hyped the show beyond proportion (ourselves included), leaving room for no new conclusions or original insights — other than that the handsome visage of Deputy Metro editor Greg Gittrich shall forevermore grace our bedroom walls. Forget the show's other standout individuals, and let it now be declared: Gittrich is this town's official Working Class Hottie.