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Last night just may have marked the end of the affair. Episode 4 of Bravo's Daily News docu-series Tabloid Wars may have hit rock bottom in matters of both journalism and entertainment. Coverage of breaking news — two children scalded to death by their parents — is mostly shot in the newsroom, where reporter Kerry Burke's haircut is highlighted by the flourescent lights. Staff writer Tracy Connor plays water-gun assassin. Sports editor Leon Carter adds "color" to the episode with his "gruff black man" attitude. Sports intern is kind of pathetic. All in all, an incredibly uneventful episode — no excitement, not a lot of drama, and a complete lack of Hud Morgan. It was so uninspiring, we couldn't even bring ourselves to liveblog FishbowlNY editor Dylan Stableford's obsessive liveblogging.

The only thing that kept us from turning the damn thing off was the increased presence of Deputy Metro man-muffin Greg Gittrich, whose glasses kept coming on and off so frequently that we were fully expecting him to rip them off like Clark Kent and give the camera a sexy, steely stare. No dice. But let's focus on him again, shall we? We know he's married, possibly to a Times reporter. True? Anyone know? Bet that results in all sorts of bedroom power struggles.

Also worth noting: the show, having thus far aired Mondays at 9 PM, is moving to the 7 PM slot. So the ratings have been bad — but does the show really have to be reduced to Alex Trebek's level?

Earlier: Gawker's Coverage of Tabloid Wars