
Ranking Every Movie I Saw This Year

Brian Moylan · 12/28/11 05:01PM

I go to the movies a lot. Just about every week, in fact. Rather than just telling you the best and worst movies of the year, I thought it would be fun to rank every single movie I sat through in a movie theater in 2011. Here's the complete list.

The Redemption of Tom Sizemore

Richard Lawson · 06/28/11 05:39PM

In this breathless roundup we celebrate the healthy return of a 1990s staple, we ruminate on the future of the Green Lantern franchise, we ponder Twilight's power, and we watch some deleted scenes.

Pixar Just Can't Be Stopped

Richard Lawson · 06/27/11 10:45AM

The bulletproof animation hut produces a hit once again, narrowly avoiding catastrophe. Also: Green Lantern continues to tank, Cameron Diaz is the new Kristen Wiig (except not), and Conan can't win.

The Formula for the Perfect Superhero Movie

Brian Moylan · 05/07/11 02:15PM

Gird your loins, everyone, because with Thor opening this weekend, the long summer slog of superhero movies is upon us. Some of them are so good, but some of them are so damn crappy. That's why I've devised a simple formula to figure out which is which.

What Will Conan O'Brien Do?

Adrian Chen · 01/11/10 12:45AM

Now that Leno's move back to 11:30 is official, all eyes are Conan: Will he suck it up and helm the "Tonight Show" at midnight or make the move to another network? Variety says he is 'not happy'. Duh.

NBC U's Jeff Zucker Issues Timely Reminder That There's No Money To Be Made On The Internet

mark · 10/29/07 02:04PM

· NBC Universal boss Jeff Zucker whines that his company wasn't making much money from iTunes downloads of its TV shows, and that the control-freaky Apple wouldn't allow him to "experiment" with raising the prices for one of its series. Also, the greedy Apple is apparently to blame for denying them revenue they would then immediately share with their beloved partners in content creation, their writers: "Apple sold millions of dollars worth of hardware off the back of our content and made a lot of money. They did not want to share in what they were making off the hardware or allow us to adjust pricing." [Variety]
· The feds are sending a nanny to tomorrow's contract negotiation session to make sure that WGA and AMPTP play nice in the final moments before a possible strike. [THR]