
Reality Star Goes to College

Richard Lawson · 08/06/08 12:21PM

Lauren "LC" Conrad, star of MTV's study of paint drying The Hills, will be guest-starring on an upcoming episode of Greek, a show we actually like. Heidi, meanwhile, will be guest-starring on a video monitor at one of those little kiosks at the Arsenal Mall. [EW]

Innocuous College Soap Enrages Nerdy Frat Alumni

Richard Lawson · 07/21/08 03:48PM

A tipster points us toward an online petition moving to have the ABC Family show Greek canceled. Which is silly because it's a good show-a Thing We Actually Like! It's essentially a bunch of members from the nerdiest frats across the land who claim that the show misrepresents fraternity and sorority life on college campuses as nothing more than drinking, fucking, and begrudging community service. If anyone can explain to me how it's anything other than that (other than the occasional circle jerk opportunity and connections-related job getter), I'm open to hearing it. Read some of the best enraged comments from those who've e-signed, after the jump.


Richard Lawson · 05/06/08 11:44AM

In the midst of all the Gossip Girl hullabaloo, one almost forgets to mention the two other great shows that were on last night. I'm speaking of ABC Family's smart and funny college show Greek, which you really should be watching, and MTV's anti-Hills high school reality show, The Paper (which, um, you really should be watching). Both shows' episodes, about Parents Weekend and the first deadline of the year, respectively, were squirm-inducing and wonderful in their own weird ways. Monday nights are almost too much.

You Should Pledge Greek

Richard Lawson · 04/01/08 01:12PM

Is anybody watching Greek, ABC Family's (I know, I know) "dramedy" (I know, I know) about how pleasant and innocuous frat life really is? It's actually pretty good! has deemed it worthy of recapping and one of the more apt television critics working in my living room today, my roommate, called it "compelling." It's a sweet but not cloying, occasionally very funny series that makes me think I could have handled a little Greek life on my college campus. Of course, the real fraternity system is not like this. The real fraternity system is awful and vomity and smells of beer and RecPlexes and suntan lotion bought in Cancun and is evil. Greek life will kill you. But this show won't! A little promo clip for the second season (which is already two episodes in) after the jump.

Sorority Sisters Miffed That Trashy Summer Show Makes Greek Life Look As Fun As It Totally Is!

mark · 07/10/07 03:02PM

"Women who participate in that kind of superficial and 'mean girl' behavior are totally missing out on the true sorority experience." The Delta Delta Deltas are, of course, lying, hoping to draw a crowd of hopeless undesirables to their rush events who'll walk blindly into their punishing gauntlet of eye rolls, bitchy comments about their clothes, or hints about their weight like, "And every day, we have a super-healthy salad bar that totally helped me drop five pounds. So! You'd probably want to check that out if we become sisters!"