Mad as hell and not going to take it anymore after last night's premiere of Greek*, an ABC Family show dedicated to spreading the inaccurate notion that fraternity and sorority life consists of little more than pretty people being bitchy and boning each other while drunk on free-flowing keg beer, the Tri-Delts have released a statement decrying the hurtful stereotypes perpetuated by the series: "The behavior depicted in Greek happens in sororities as often as doctors look like McDreamy. Greek may make for good TV, but it's a far cry from reality for the vast majority of our members.

"Women who participate in that kind of superficial and 'mean girl' behavior are totally missing out on the true sorority experience." The Delta Delta Deltas are, of course, lying, hoping to draw a crowd of hopeless undesirables to their rush events who'll walk blindly into their punishing gauntlet of eye rolls, bitchy comments about their clothes, or hints about their weight like, "And every day, we have a super-healthy salad bar that totally helped me drop five pounds. So! You'd probably want to check that out if we become sisters!"

[*Is this now our new favorite trashy summer show? It just might be.]