
Hamilton Nolan · 03/31/16 09:57AM

Thanks to budget cuts, the New York City Department of Transportation has stopped its graffiti removal program. Good, cause graffiti is cool.

Only Officially Sanctioned Clit Art Is Allowed at Art School

Hamilton Nolan · 03/06/14 10:55AM

Santa Fe University of Art and Design boasts that it helps students to "develop their full artistic identities." Unless that artistic identity is not officially approved by the administration, in which case EVERYONE WILL BE PUNISHED. Especially if there are clits involved.

Tom Scocca · 10/25/13 11:09AM

Here is a thoughtful article, in the New York Post, about the "complex prestige game" that informs the New York graffiti community's disdain toward Banksy: "'Street art' is associated with whimsy and even gentrification—things the mainstream considers socially good, or at the least, nondestructive."

Hamilton Nolan · 10/17/13 11:45AM

Banksy's newest NYC piece is a silhouette work in East Williamsburg. A graffiti writer who tagged the piece was "caught and beaten up."