As the national debate rages over what to do with the tens of thousands of Central American children who have flooded the U.S. border in recent months, one Marylander was brave enough to take a stand.

"NO ILLEAGLES HERE. NO UNDOCUMENTED DEMOCRATS," proclaim the all-caps black letters, letting all sickly birds of prey and vote-fraudsters-in-waiting know: your kind ain't welcome here.

The glorious, patriotic message appeared on the side of a former Army Reserve warehouse in Westminster, Maryland that's been named as a potential site for housing undocumented children.

According to the Washington Post, the response among local lawmakers was "swift and negative":

Del. Justin Ready (R-Carroll) asked if the undocumented children would have "undergone the proper health evaluations or background screenings." Carroll Commissioner Richard Rothschild told the Baltimore Sun that his county "will not become a repository for Obama's failed immigration policies."


Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.), whose congressional district includes a slice of Carroll County, but not Westminster — had threatened to use his position on the House Appropriations Committee to block some funding to HHS if it used the military building. Harris's office was notified over the weekend that the location would not be used.

Shortly after its announcement as a candidate, the federal Department of Health and Human Services decided the facility was "not a viable option at this time." Who ever said old-fashioned activism doesn't work?

[Image via Washington Post]