
Adam Weinstein · 05/13/14 08:55AM

That dreamy Rand Paul, he's so bold, he came out against Republicans' voter-ID crusade! Oh wait, his spokesman clarifies: "Senator Paul was having a larger discussion about criminal justice reform... At no point did Senator Paul come out against voter ID laws." Courage!

America's Most Republican-Leaning Company Makes White Bread

Adam Weinstein · 05/09/14 11:15AM

Corporations are people. Like people, they have political opinions. If you're looking for the most Republican corporate persons in the world, you're probably thinking Koch Industries. But you should be thinking white bread and interstate-redneck food.

Adam Weinstein · 05/06/14 02:36PM

House Republicans keep killing federal unemployment benefits because they cost taxpayer money. But they're now moving forward on six business-oriented tax credits that would cost far more than unemployment insurance. Why? " the sure way to reduce deficits," says Eric Cantor.

Adam Weinstein · 05/06/14 02:11PM

There's still time for you to vote for the anti-gay marriage ex-drag queen in today's North Carolina GOP primary for Senate. As he puts it: "Regardless of what I did in my twenties—remember to VOTE today—vote conservative and vote after praying." And DANCE after voting. In Lucite platforms!

Conservative Money Front Is Behind Princeton's "White Privilege" Guy

Adam Weinstein · 05/05/14 02:20PM

In all the furor over Tal Fortgang—the privileged white Princeton freshman who wrote so passionately about how he's not a privileged white guy—no one, not even the New York Times, noted that his post was made possible by a conservative group that bankrolls and grooms college kids for right-wing leadership.

White Oklahoma Lawmaker Explores His Thoughts on the "N-Word"

Adam Weinstein · 05/01/14 12:22PM

That short glug of water in the bolo unhappily shaking President Obama's hand is Oklahoma Rep. Paul Wesselhöft, who's lately made his bones calling for Attorney General Eric Holder's impeachment and warning all listeners about the terrors of the National Black Panther Party.

Adam Weinstein · 04/16/14 03:00PM

New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, a rising GOP star who's spearheaded the party's outreach to women, was caught on audio calling her 2010 opponent "that little bitch" and complaining that teachers are overpaid because "they already don't work, you know, two and a half months out of the year."

Christian GOP Congressman Caught Cheating on Sexy Surveillance Tape

Adam Weinstein · 04/07/14 04:10PM

Rep. Vance McAllister, a freshman Republican congressman from Louisiana who made his Baptist faith a central focus of his campaign for Congress, has been making out in the dark with a staffer who was not his wife, according to surveillance video released today.

New Republican Ad Uses Obama Impersonator, Is Just Odd

Kelly Conaboy · 04/05/14 12:50PM

Jack Kingston is an 11-term Republican Congressman running in the primary to become Georgia's next senator, and his most recent ad features a phone call from a rather desperate "President Barack Obama."

Adam Weinstein · 03/25/14 01:56PM

Pro tip: If you want to keep a Hispanic billionaire as the top fundraiser of your embattled Republican gubernatorial re-election campaign in heavily Hispanic Florida, try to keep your gringo staffers from cracking jokes in fake Mexican accents on a ride to Chipotle.

The GOP Just Named its Hot New Innovation Lab After a Nazi Pistol

Adam Weinstein · 02/04/14 10:36AM

The Republican National Committee today excitedly announced the launch of a new startup lab to bring techies and creatives together, Silicon Valley-style, to get Republicans elected. Oh, and they named it for a Nazi gun, a type of ammo, and a philosophy that puts war before peace.

North Carolina Judge Strikes Down Invasive Abortion Law

Jordan Sargent · 01/18/14 11:48AM

Late on Friday, a federal judge ruled that a North Carolina law requiring women to have an ultrasound and have the image described to them by a doctor before undergoing an abortion is unconstitutional.