Jack Kingston is an 11-term Republican Congressman running in the primary to become Georgia's next senator, and his most recent ad features a phone call from a rather desperate "President Barack Obama."

In an effort to distance himself from the Affordable Care Act, the Congressman enlisted an Obama impersonator to give him a call, pleading with him to back off. "Kingston, this is the president. You've got to back off Obamacare," says President Obama, in a voice that is, admittedly, very nearly his exact voice.

After listing each of the measures Kingston has taken to fight the act, he ends the call with, "Kingston, let me be clear: I do not want you in the Senate. Call me back, Kingston...please?"

Hmmm. As far as voice messages go, it's not bad — they're tricky! — but it is a little rude, a little sad, and, I think, shows President Obama's hand a little too clearly. Next time you give a Congressman a call, Fake President Obama, maybe hide your exact intent a bit? Just until he calls you back! (An example: "Kingston, let me be clear: I would like to talk to you about how I feel about the possibility of you being in the Senate. Call me!")

Oh, and next time you, Jack Kingston, name your campaign video "Call Me Maybe," you should include at least a few bars of Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe."


PS: Answer the phone when the President calls.

[h/t Mediaite]