
Global Warming Can Be Cured by 'Small Nuclear War'

Max Read · 02/27/11 10:45PM

How can we fix global warming? (Assuming it's not a plot hatched by public employee unions to force sharia law on the U.S.) One solution, promoted egghead "scientists," would be to stop driving cars and focus on renewable energy sources. But new computer models suggest a much easier, and far more fun, solution: A nuclear war!

Afghan President Hamid Karzai Is Not Manic-Depressive

Adrian Chen · 10/10/10 03:48PM

Bob Woodward's new book, "Obama's Wars," said that Afghan President Hamad Karazi has been diagnosed as manic-depressive. On Larry King, Karzai denied this report, calling it "rather funny." But that's just the kind of thing a manic depressive would say.

Lots of Great News About Dying Children

Hamilton Nolan · 05/24/10 04:39PM

A new study says that urban kids (homicide) and rural kids (suicide, accidents) are equally likely to die from guns. Good? Another study says that a mere 7.7 million children under five will die this year. Yay? [WP, NYT]

HBO Orders More Gumbo In Record Speed

Richard Lawson · 04/13/10 03:16PM

Zatarain's! HBO has already renewed their new drama Treme, which just premiered on Sunday night, for a second season. The president of HBO cites the show's quality, not necessarily its numbers (1.4 million), as the reason. Yay Nola. [THR]