
Asian Carp Infest Great Lakes, Rednecks Attack

Ena Brdjanovic · 09/07/10 12:01PM

Asian carp are infesting the Great Lakes at such a high volume that they're endangering lucrative salmon and trout populations. The region, which relies heavily on its fishing industry, is trying anything and everything to get rid of them.

Meghan McCain Finally Gives Her Opinion of Sarah Palin

Jim Newell · 08/31/10 10:52AM

Meghan McCain's book about her father's 2008 presidential campaign, Dirty Sexy Politics, comes out today. Have you finished it yet? If not, here's a primer based on her Good Morning America appearance today: She has mixed feelings about Sarah Palin!

Sylvester Stallone Is Out Of Shape

Erica Hyman · 08/12/10 10:00AM

While promoting his new film, The Expendables, Sly Stallone revealed just how fit he is. Turns out he's not the bench-pressing beast he used to be. At least he has a sense of humor about it.

Jessi Slaughter Talks Cyberbullying on Good Morning America

Matt Toder · 07/22/10 08:48AM

Today, Good Morning America sat down with Jessi Slaughter, the 11 year-old victim of intense cyberbullying, and her parents. She talked about the content of her videos and how she's reacted to the firestorm that her videos touched off.

Did Gross Kombucha Tea Set Off Lindsay's SCRAM?

Adrian Chen · 06/19/10 09:24AM

Lindsay's favorite non-alcoholic beverage is alcoholic! Lady Gaga shocks another sports stadium. Snooki throws a drink. Good Morning America has a gay kiss double-standard. "Kidnapped" Jeremy London's story keeps getting dumber. Saturday's Gossip Roundup is advancing to the next round.

Heiress Leaves Her Fortune To Her Dog

Erica Hyman · 06/17/10 08:40AM

Yet another rich old woman has left her wealth to her pooch. Judging by these photos, looks like the money will go towards the animal's eclectic (and awesome) wardrobe and lifestyle.