
Two More Women Come Forward With Bill Cosby Stories

Gabrielle Bluestone · 02/12/15 08:04PM

Just when you think you've heard 'em all, two more women with horrifyingly detailed stories about how Bill Cosby offered them career advice and followed up by drugging and raping them.

Ask the DNC: Is Romney Ready for the Kill List?

John Cook · 09/07/12 11:25AM

As you may have heard last night, Osama bin Laden is dead, has perished from the earth, is at the bottom of the sea, and is not better off than he was four years ago. The Democrats are trying to pull a Bush on national security, inflating Obama's reputation as a killing machine and portraying Mitt Romney as a bungling softie.

Rush Limbaugh Uses Slurping Sounds to Describe Herman Cain's Accuser

Jim Newell · 11/07/11 04:39PM

Now that we've gotten Howard Kurtz out of the way, it's time to check in on America's other top arbiter of all things important, Rush Limbaugh, to see how he responded to Sharon Bialek's accusations of unwanted sexual advances (or assault) from Herman Cain. Limbaugh chose to focus on the pronunciation of her name: "Gloria Allred says her name is 'BI-uh-lick,' as in [SLURP SLURP] 'Buy-a-lick.'" Clear your schedules, everyone! It's going to be a fun week.

Justin Bieber Crashed a Wedding Because He Heard His Song Playing

Maureen O'Connor · 07/18/11 10:35AM

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez crash a wedding. Khloe Kardashian's husband mauls a pedestrian. Rachel Uchitel loses $10 million. Nikki Blonsky is the saddest washed-up celebrity in America. Monday gossip is the stuff of legend.

Schwarzenegger's Alleged Mistress Count Continues to Rise

Maureen O'Connor · 05/20/11 11:05AM

Arnold's former underage fling describes several other affairs, one of which Maria supposedly knew about. The Brangelina brood makes a "giant mess" in Cannes. Lea Michele throws a tantrum over a dress. It's TGIFriday gossip.

Perverted Water Bottle Inseminator Faces Sentencing

Seth Abramovitch · 04/22/11 03:15AM

It won't be long now before we get the answer to that ancient riddle, "What's an appropriate sentence for a man who ejaculates into his co-worker's water bottle for his own sexual gratification?"