
Everybody is Mad at Touré For Supporting Obama's Drone Wars

Jordan Sargent · 02/05/13 08:40PM

Touré (pictured above interviewing T.I.) is a fine writer — or at least he was at one point. Now he mostly spends his time as a helium-filled talking head, floating drably across MSNBC's midday airwaves. This is a pretty cushy job, seeing as you can say basically anything without anyone giving a shit since the only people watching cable news during the day are those being crushed to death by boredom in lobbies across the country. But there's a catch: when you get paid to talk in circles every day, sometimes you'll find yourself arguing a position you probably should not be arguing. And if you're stubborn enough and your argument is stupid enough — you are on cable news, after all — then you might find yourself in the center of a firestorm.

All Leaks Are Good Leaks

John Cook · 06/08/12 12:13PM

Barack Obama's critics on the left and right are beginning to coalesce around the idea that the White House should be punished for selectively leaking flattering details about covert operations while at the same time zealously prosecuting whistleblowers who reveal less flattering secrets. This is stupid. Every leak is a good leak.

New Improved Adweek Debuts With Typo on the Cover

Hamilton Nolan · 04/19/11 02:00PM

In your neverending Tuesday media column: Adweek messes up, Reuters beefs up, the Pulitzers toughen up, Tribune Co. is screwed up, and Glenn Greenwald is all hooked up.

Weed-Selling Reporter Not Great at Either Job

Hamilton Nolan · 02/11/11 03:10PM

In your finally Friday media column: journalism's least competent weed dealer located, a Wikileaks smear scheme exposed, Rupert Murdoch believes in himself, AP employees put their cars on strike, and Eminem only speaks to middle school news outlets.

The Liberal Hordes Will Destroy Joe Klein And Also Spike Web Traffic

Choire · 11/29/07 10:35AM

Two men who wear ties—Westchester dad and Time columnist Joe Klein and hot bloggy lawyer-liberal Salon boy Glenn Greenwald—are deep in a vicious tussle over a recent Klein column. In his Time column, Klein sort of made up an interpretation of a proposed bill and then went on a tirade about how America is pandering to terrorists. Now the liberals want Joe Klein to be fired! And Glenn Greenwald has written seven posts about Klein and how terrible Time magazine is in the last week.

Salon Wants To Be MySpace For Old People

Doree Shafrir · 07/26/07 10:51AM

The other day, we were poking around various job sites (purely for educational purposes! Really!) when we came across an interesting listing on our own site. "Manager, Social Networking Site," the title read. Really? Social networking? People are still jumping on that bandwagon? Then it all made sense: The listing was for Salon, which has never met a misguided online business strategy it didn't like. Now, they want someone who "will help direct an ambitious new initiative in social networking."

Glenn Greenwald Is So Right It Hurts

Choire · 03/29/07 12:23PM

Salon blogger Glenn Greenwald has nearly every quality I like in a man: he's pretty, smarter than me, righteous, and he hates both that Washington Post ass Richard Cohen and Gawker. Glenn's crusade against The Politico—they're in bed with Matt Drudge (Mmm! Tasty!) and their barrier-to-print is too low and therefore error-full—has become a war against the shallow right-wing internets newspaper-destroying conspiracy of which we are a part!