In your ferocious Friday media column: bad PR for Village Voice Media, Glenn Greenwald's in fine form, Bloomberg's up, the NYT Co. is down, and Judith Regan still exists.

  • Ooo, a group called The Rebecca Project is running ads in Village Voice Media-owned papers calling on Village Voice Media to stop selling sex ads on, which is where all the hooker ads are now, FYI. Also, the sex-trafficked persons ads, unfortunately. I wouldn't expect VVM to do that, though, because, money. Craigslist didn't need it, but VVM really does.
  • Glenn Greenwald has been doing his usual admirable, strident work berating the mainstream media about their reporting, lately about Wikileaks. He even got Time magazine to issue a correction! Oh.. "In reality, the 'correction' is nothing of the sort; it is instead a monument to the corrupted premise at the heart of American journalism." Nobody does hyperbole like Glenn Greenwald.
  • Bloomberg LP had $7 billion in revenue this year, with profits that Keith Kelly estimates at around $2 billion. Meanwhile, back at Times Square, the New York Times Company was dropped from the S&P 500.
  • Rich publishing person Judith Regan speaks about the media, her sexxxy dating life, and more things in this interview, if you're interested in that.
  • Michael Slezak is leaving EW to become a senior editor at

[Pic via TDB]