
Beautiful Mind James Franco Explains Anne 'Hathahaters'

Caity Weaver · 03/26/13 10:35AM

In 2011, America's most cherished treasures, acTORS James Franco and Anne Hathaway, hosted the Oscars. They didn't do a great job, but everyone's since moved on. We don't spend too much time psychoanalyzing the relationship of Anne Hathaway and James Franco, two people who don't seem to know each other that well.

The 20 Best Trollings in Modern History

Hamilton Nolan · 03/25/13 04:00PM

From the Spanish-American War all the way up to the 40 Hottest Women in Tech, the past century has borne witness to some epic trolling, bro. This amoral art form—loosely defined as "the media fucking with you on purpose"—has defined our modern era of outrage. It is time that we honored the very best trollings of the past 115 years.

Twilight Star Ashley Greene Loses Dog in Apartment Fire

Caity Weaver · 03/22/13 06:15PM

Here's something sad you can bring up and then immediately regret bringing up at dinner tonight: a toy fox terrier beloning to Twilight actress Ashley Greene died in a fire at her apartment this morning.

Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum Could Have Been America's Co-President

Tom Scocca · 03/22/13 02:24PM

Newton Leroy Gingrich, a former college professor who co-writes speculative novels about alternative versions of history, has just coauthored the most momentous counterfactual of his career. Forget wondering what would have happened if the Confederates had won at Gettysburg, or if the United States had fought Imperial Japan and left Hitler alone: What if the two most absurd and most widely loathed candidates in last year's Republican presidential primaries had joined forces to win the White House?

Henry Blodget Found a Newspaper

Hamilton Nolan · 03/22/13 12:27PM

Henry Blodget, a full grown adult who's held a highly compensated job in finance and founded a multimillion-dollar media company, still retains his ability to be astounded by the little things in life. Like airplanes: what is it like to ride in one? Or women: are they too lazy to get good jobs? Or Jews: why do people hate them so much? Today, Henry Blodget, who has retained the wonderful ability to see the world through a child's eyes (which so many of his cynical peers have lost), has found something outside of his hotel room door. But what??

The White Student Suing to Overthrow Affirmative Action Was Too Dumb to Get Into Her Chosen College

Tom Scocca · 03/20/13 04:30PM

Life is tough for white people in America. A few hundred years of presumed superiority have left many of them psychologically unable to deal with failure, trapped in a cycle of victimhood where their own shortcomings can only be understood as evidence of persecution against them. So we have Abigail Fisher, 23 years old, and the plaintiff in Fisher v. University of Texas, which is currently being weighed by the Supreme Court.

Katy Perry and John Mayer Broke Up, Again

Taylor Berman · 03/19/13 10:39PM

Seven months after they first broke up, America's best-matched couple, John Mayer and Katy Perry, have again called it quits. According to US Weekly, the two, who have dated since last summer, split because of issues over their schedules. But don't worry! There's hope they might get back together, according to the magazine's surely reliable sources.

Losing Sleep for a Week Can Lead to Immediate Weight Gain

Maggie Lange · 03/19/13 08:39AM

Fourth meal is doing nobody no good. Not only is a healthy weight associated with a full night's sleep, but a recent study shows something more shocking and immediate—cutting down on sleep hours over just a week can lead to immediate weight increase.

Matthew Crawley Looks Way Different Now

Caity Weaver · 03/18/13 03:35PM

Downton Abbey's Matthew Crawley, somewhat known for his portrayal of British actor Dan Stevens in a tedious, long-term project known as everyday life, surfaced recently looking way different than he once did, and people could not believe it. He used to look the one way and now he looks very much another. How had it happened, and why, and could it be undone?