
YouTube engineer gets haircut, saves relationship

Jackson West · 06/16/08 04:40PM

Since we know you were all worried about the fate of YouTube Flash engineer Geoff Stearns and his girlfriend's public appeal to save their romance by getting his hair did and shutting up about MacGuyver, we are happy to report that Stearns bowed to the pressure and succumbed to scissors. Valleywag would now like to ask that Stearns bow to our private pressure to shave that stubble and maybe use some hair product. [Business in the Back]

YouTube Flash engineer needs help with his hair

Jackson West · 04/03/08 09:00PM

Distraught that Google employee Geoff Stearns hasn't gotten a haircut since moving to San Francisco from Brooklyn, his girlfriend has taken her appeal to the public. It seems the young Stearns has become obsessed with mullets, and is having delusions he'll become the next MacGyver — which any San Franciscan will tell you are early signs of the slippery slope that leads straight to Mission-hipsterdom. She's asking for donations for a flight back to New York to get his hair did properly, but I figured Valleywag readers could suggest someplace that will trim it up into something that says "I'm innovative, but I won't cause my new Google overlords any trouble."