
Crowdsourcing experiment seeks to dictate Leah Culver's love life

Nicholas Carlson · 03/19/08 05:20PM

We asked which man most deserves Pownce founder Leah Culver's attentions: Googler Andy Smith or Flickr's Cal Henderson? In a late rally, Smith advocates won out. His 48.4 percent of the vote displaced the early leader, none-of-the-above option "cupcakes to face for both," at 43.5 percent. Now a pair of tipsters confirm Culver has, in fact, selected a new man. Has she heeded the wisdom of the crowd?

Is Kevin Rose still Julia Allison's "buttercup"?

Jordan Golson · 03/18/08 05:00PM

Julia Allison sings us a love song from SXSW. Is this for former beau Kevin Rose, we wonder — or for the Internet at large? She's got a point: Why do we build her up, just to let her down? Why?

Help Leah Culver pick the right man

Nicholas Carlson · 03/17/08 05:00PM

Pownce founder Leah Culver has made more geeks go wild than we can count. For starters: Daniel Burka of Digg; LiveJournal founder Brad Fitzpatrick; and's Kyle Vogt. They're all history, however. One tipster confirms our suspicions that Culver and Flickr's Cal Henderson are "definitely dating." But another writes:

How to blog about your sex life and not wind up on Valleywag

Melissa Gira Grant · 03/17/08 02:03PM

Embarrassment never killed anyone. If anything, it's a turn-on. Why else do so many of us keep annotating our sex lives on the Internet, only to be shocked! shocked!when someone else finds out we're into spanking or peeping or "cupcaking"? Modern technology makes it possible to get your jollies without sharing them with your favorite gossip blog.

Did Jimmy Wales and Wikipedia boss make out in Amsterdam?

Owen Thomas · 03/17/08 08:00AM

What is it about Jimmy Wales? The founder of Wikipedia has a thing for brainy women, and a penchant for mixing business and pleasure. But the latest rumor I've heard is mind-blowing: That Wales had a brief affair with Sue Gardner, the executive director of the nonprofit which runs Wikipedia. Gardner has always been swift to rush to Jimmy Wales's defense — oddly so, since he's just one of many board members she reports to. In a recent newspaper article on Wales, there was this line: "Ms. Gardner said there will always be a need for what Mr. Wales provides." Ah yes, what Mr. Wales provides. To Rachel Marsden, Elisabeth Bauer, and Barbara Cohen, among others, you mean?

Leah Culver gives Kyle Shank the cupcake treatment

Owen Thomas · 03/16/08 08:10PM

Former Uncov guy and Persai CEO Kyle Shank, at center, recovers from an unsolicited cupcake smearing by Pownce's Leah Culver. The attack, likely motivated by Uncov accomplice Ted Dziuba's frequent gibes directed at Culver, took place at Flickr's fourth birthday party. Flickr's Cal Henderson, right, is said to have served as Culver's accomplice. Speaking of, can anyone confirm whether Henderson and Culver are dating? The two were inseparable at SXSW. If so, snaps to Culver: We hear Henderson's website is highly scalable. (Photo by magerleagues)

Julia Allison and Meghan Asha, live on the Internet

Nicholas Carlson · 03/14/08 02:58PM

Below, watch as startup wantrepreneurs Julia Allison and Meghan Asha tell Pop17's Sarah Meyers about their plans to stop blogging, take over the tech world and renounce dating men who work in tech. Rumor has it they're planning a startup with the blonde you people are so crazy about, Mary Rambin.

"Piggy" lover gives Valleywag a three-star Yelp review

Owen Thomas · 03/14/08 12:30AM

It turns out that Chinh Nguyen, the foul-mouthed, AmEx-flashing, self-described "balla" girlfriend of Nvidia vice president Neil Trevett, isn't just an indiscreet blogger; she's also an elite Yelptard. Yelp users like to celebrate their hundredth-review milestones, and for Nguyen's 300th, she chose to write up Valleywag. We are honored beyond words; before this, we were utterly Yelpless. Chinh, we at Valleywag really like your style. If the job interview you mentioned in our phone call doesn't work out, would you consider blogging? We have an opening for a reporter, and I think you'd fit right in here. Nguyen's Yelp review of Valleywag, "a National Enquirer for geeks":

Nvidia VP's gold-digging girlfriend calls him "Piggy"

Nicholas Carlson · 03/13/08 04:00PM

Girls, are you having problems finding a successful boyfriend who works in tech? Maybe you should be meaner. That's how graphic designer Chinh Nguyen plays it with her man, Nvidia VP Neil Trevett. Describing one picture of Trevett, she writes, "My English Piggy (yes, he's really pink!)" Before you take offense on his behalf, note how self-deprecating Chinh is.

Jason Calacanis hearts Robert Scoble

Jordan Golson · 03/12/08 06:40PM

Robert Scoble [is] the most popular independent blogger in the technology space. I have to say, not being able to land Robert to work at Mahalo is the biggest mistake I've made so far — I so blew it. Fast Company is really lucky to have him. Grrrrrr ...

Randi Zuckerberg to wed in two months

Nicholas Carlson · 03/12/08 03:20PM

Last seen bravely trying to block Julia Allison's path to a geek — her brother, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg — Randi Zuckerberg will marry her college sweetheart, Brent Tworetzky, in May. Lucky guy. As Web chanteuse "Randi Jayne," she long ago sang her way into our heart with her music video, Valleyfreude, embedded below. Update: Randi just texted my boss, "Sweet! You just saved me money on wedding invites! ;-)"

Jimbo's bimbos a brainiac pack

Owen Thomas · 03/06/08 07:00PM

We keep hearing new rumors about women Jimmy Wales has been involved with. But why tell you? Some Wales critics say it's not the sex, it's the money. But it's hard to separate the two when charges fly that Wales took a girlfriend on trips paid for by the nonprofit WIkipedia. The latest names linked to Wales: Barbara Cohen, formerly an editor with the Public Library of Science, left; and Julie Melton, an online-learning expert, right. Wales's relationship with Cohen, former Wikipedia insiders say, contributed to the breakup of her marriage. Melton stayed in Wales's apartment, though she's said to be seeing someone else. Yes, yes, I know, enough about the sex — did he edit their Wikipedia entries?

It's no use, Kevin — Julia knows you have to come down eventually

Nicholas Carlson · 03/06/08 12:40PM

A tipster sends us this shot of Digg founder Kevin Rose clambering up a palm tree during the Future of Web Apps conference. You know, the one in Miami, where quasi-professional geek paramour Julia Allison drank his milkshake. Allison is beautiful, and if bright lights are your thing, plausibly charming. So why would Kevin flee? Maybe like Allison's last beau, he doesn't want to shell out for a MacBook Air, either. Leaked emails on that whole mess, below.

How MySpace gets Jimmy Wales laid

Owen Thomas · 03/05/08 07:20PM

Jimmy Wales should quit Wikipedia — but please, not the rest of the Internet. He's far too entertaining.On Jimmy Wales's MySpace page, he lists himself as "married" and a "proud parent" who's "looking to meet Wikipedian MySpacers." His friends list tells another story. The most recent comment comes from a MySpace user named Andrea, whose picture closely resembles Andrea Weckerle, a woman to whom Wales has been linked. Scroll through Wales's friends list, and you'll find a woman in a French maid's outfit, a woman in a thong bikini, a woman posing in lingerie, and several girls who seem a bit young for Wales. One almost needs an online encyclopedia to keep track of them all.

Charge: Wikipedia flew Wales girlfriend on donors' dime

Owen Thomas · 03/05/08 05:40PM

Elisabeth Bauer was Jimmy Wales's first big perk as lord and master of Wikipedia. As with Rachel Marsden, the Canadian journalist at the root of Wales's recent woes, Wales and Bauer struck up a friendship online, over Wikipedia. And people are now saying Wikipedia paid for Bauer, known online as "Elian," to travel with Wales as an upaid Wikipedia press officer — a title he insisted on for her, though some argue she was unqualified for the job.

Rupert Murdoch's underlings lets loose on Jimmy Wales

Owen Thomas · 03/04/08 02:20PM

News Corp. overlord Rupert Murdoch may be getting a bit slow in his dotage, but he still knows a good story. Is it a coincidence that three arms of his media empire — the Times of London, Fox News, and the New York Post — have belatedly picked up on Jimmy Wales's bizarre breakup with Rachel Marsden? Marsden was, until last fall, a Fox News commentator, which can only make the tale more delicious for Murdoch: The prodigal daughter welcomed back as grist for the gossip mill. Beyond that, why the onslaught?

Cosmo's new man-catching hot spot to open up in Pebble Beach

Nicholas Carlson · 03/04/08 01:20PM

Apple will open a new retail store in Pebble Beach, a tipster tells us. He spotted "help wanted" signs. Julia Allisons of the world, mark it down as another place to find your Kevin Rose. According to Cosmopolitan, Apple Stores are ideal places to "check your email among cuties, take a free workshop on anything from Photoshop to podcasting (a great opportunity to strike up a conversation), or just survey the, ahem, good-looking merchandise." We've heard Apple Stores aren't a bad spot for whale watching, either. (Photo by laffy4k)