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It turns out that Chinh Nguyen, the foul-mouthed, AmEx-flashing, self-described "balla" girlfriend of Nvidia vice president Neil Trevett, isn't just an indiscreet blogger; she's also an elite Yelptard. Yelp users like to celebrate their hundredth-review milestones, and for Nguyen's 300th, she chose to write up Valleywag. We are honored beyond words; before this, we were utterly Yelpless. Chinh, we at Valleywag really like your style. If the job interview you mentioned in our phone call doesn't work out, would you consider blogging? We have an opening for a reporter, and I think you'd fit right in here. Nguyen's Yelp review of Valleywag, "a National Enquirer for geeks":

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