
In a week of gay weddings, where are Derek and Orkut, Marissa Mayer's best boyfriends?

Owen Thomas · 06/17/08 08:00PM

Google engineer Orkut Buyukkokten, the one behind the eponymous social network, has gotten engaged to boyfriend Derek Holbrook, Valleywag's youngest-ever tipster tells us. The two are shown here, in coordinated outfits, with fabulous friend Marissa Mayer, the Google executive who greenlighted Orkut's site. Will the two get married this week, now that the California Supreme Court has made it legal? No word yet, but if Mayer serves as witness, we hope she'll wear something a bit less flashy. No one — not even Marissa — shows up the grooms at their own gay wedding. (Photo by Drew Altizer via SFluxe)

YouTube engineer gets haircut, saves relationship

Jackson West · 06/16/08 04:40PM

Since we know you were all worried about the fate of YouTube Flash engineer Geoff Stearns and his girlfriend's public appeal to save their romance by getting his hair did and shutting up about MacGuyver, we are happy to report that Stearns bowed to the pressure and succumbed to scissors. Valleywag would now like to ask that Stearns bow to our private pressure to shave that stubble and maybe use some hair product. [Business in the Back]

Kevin Rose no longer single — but who's he dating?

Owen Thomas · 06/11/08 04:20PM

San Francisco's Web 2.0 playboy, Kevin Rose, has been laying low since his much-publicized affair with Internet notoriety provider Julia Allison in Miami (shown here, in a previously unpublished photo, with Rose). But on Facebook yesterday, Rose took the word "single" off his profile. A tipster says Rose is dating again, but we haven't heard the lucky lady's name yet. We're guessing she's a newcomer to town, since Rose's Diggnation cohost, Alex Albrecht, once drunkenly noted that Rose has dated quite a few locals. Rose's Facebook update, after the jump:

iJustine and Justin dating — but not that Justin

Owen Thomas · 06/11/08 11:00AM

A tipster tells us that Justine Ezarik, the diminutive videoblogger better known as iJustine, has hooked up with a guy named Justin. Not the unprepossessing and socially inept Justin Kan of, with whom she's often jokingly linked, but Justin Fishner-Wolfson, a venture-capital associate at Peter Thiel's Founders Fund. The two make an adorable couple, our tipster says, especially because they see eye to eye. He estimates Ezarik's height at 5'1"; Fishner-Wolfson's not much taller, as his Stanford graduation photo shows. Not that his stature matters: By dating Ezarik, he rises above thousands of jealous iJustine fanboys. Update: Ezarik denies that she and Fishner-Wolfson are an item — and claims to be 5'3". (In heels, perhaps.)

Dating Mark Zuckerberg: the rules

Nicholas Carlson · 06/09/08 06:40PM

A year ago this summer, Priscilla Chan graduated from Harvard and moved to Palo Alto to live near her boyfriend, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. But before she did, Chan and Zuckerberg, pictured, held a series of "negotiations" over how often she would get to see him, according to Sarah Lacy's book Once You're Lucky, Twice You're Good. The final contract, according to Lacy:

Bill Gates hasn't always been Steve Ballmer's BFF

Jackson West · 06/05/08 12:20PM

After meeting at Harvard, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates and CEO Steve Ballmer have been working together for so long, "they often complete each other's sentences," according to sources cited by the Wall Street Journal in a frontpage feature for Gates's last month working full-time at the Redmond software giant. But it wasn't all smiles and sunshine over the years. After handing over the title of CEO to Ballmer, "In meetings Mr. Gates would interject with sarcasm, undermining Mr. Ballmer in front of other executives." And at one point, Gates even pitched a fit!

Photos from Randi Zuckerberg's wedding

Owen Thomas · 06/04/08 04:00PM

Darlings, everyone who's anyone is flying to a Caribbean island to get married. Larry Page and Lucy Southworth did the deed on some spit of sand called Necker Island. Randi Zuckerberg? The Facebooker took over something like the entire island of Jamaica to get hitched to venture-capital associate Brent Tworetzky. Or just Runaway Bay — our sources can't get that part entirely straight. But we did get a batch of photos from the wedding. A destination wedding in Jamaica? Expensive. Making your younger brother, who's ostensibly your boss and worth $4 billion on paper, dress in a turquoise vest and an ill-fitting tuxedo shirt? Priceless. The photos:

Jeff Bezos just wants his shareholders to know he's still having sex

Melissa Gira Grant · 06/03/08 10:00PM

Attention, shareholders! Your money is not, repeat not in the hands of a sexless technomonk. Jeff Bezos took a moment to share some evidence of this at his annual shareholders meeting in Seattle. He reprised an anecdote about The Joy of Sex and its pivotal role in the early days of Amazon, lifted from his turn as Carnegie Mellon's commencement speaker last month: "I have a whole mess of children," then demurred, "I have to be a little delicate here because my parents are in the audience."

Facebook's Julia Lam and Slide's Doug Sherrets like to SuperPoke

Nicholas Carlson · 06/03/08 10:40AM

While people are busy complaining about Facebook's "Orwellian" redesign, you won't hear a peep from Doug Sherrets, who works in business development at widgetmaker Slide. Why? We hear Sherrets and Julia Lam, who works in platform product marketing for Facebook, are now — as Facebook profilespeak would have it — "in a relationship." Could that be a conflict of interest? Maybe, but you obviously can't credit all of Slide's success to Sherrets's abilities to sleep with the frenemy. Slide's most popular widget, SuperPoke, is said to be both sticky and fun.

Reddit cofounder blabs about Y Combinator founders' secret wedding

Owen Thomas · 06/02/08 03:40PM

We'd heard in April that Paul Graham and Jessica Livingston, the pair behind startup factory Y Combinator, were partners in love as well as life. The two tied the knot over the weekend, Twittered Reddit cofounder Alexis Ohanian, a graduate of Y Combinator: "Sorry ladies, PG said 'I do' - 'twas a great wedding." We're sure it was — anyone have pictures — or insights into why the two have been so secretive about their romance?

Getting the "Sex" date you never wanted with the Geek Squad

Melissa Gira Grant · 05/30/08 02:00PM

Trying to download the Sex and the City movie last night, I had to wonder, When is a torrent site more comfort than a Cosmo? If you can't fulfill your Sex-seeking ladylove's needs with some unpacked .rar files, I understand. So does Best Buy's Geek Squad, which is offering rescue packages composed of quarters and excuses for men who don't want to lose quality videogame time to the premiere of the world's most commercially viable feature-length shoe porn. Geek Squad has it only half-right: Why not save your quarters and hire a girl to be professional company at the multiplex — for your girlfriend? (Photo: Daniella Zalcman)

Meetro dies, but love lives on

Jackson West · 05/21/08 06:40PM

Location-based social network tool Meetro is closing the doors. In the goodbye letter founder and CEO Paul Bragiel explained how a small community of users in Chicago wasn't enough — the company couldn't get much penetration in the markets in New York or San Francisco, where services like Dodgeball and Yelp have acquired large followings (though Dodgeball has since withered and Yelp isn't huge outside of the Bay Area). And the fact that users had to download software didn't help. But hey, one of Meetro's execs met a girl:

Master Lodwick has trained his young padawan well in the ways of the fameball

Jackson West · 05/20/08 06:00PM

Spotted at the MashBash in New York City on Saturday, CNET reporter Caroline McCarthy with Tumblr founder David Karp and Michelle DeForest of NextNewNetorks. Karp and McCarthy are officially an item we understand, which warms our geeky hearts. Can you suggest a better caption? Do so in the comments, and the winning one will become the new headline on this post. Friday's winner, in a close one: rwe112, for "Now it's time on Sprockets when we dance." (Photo by Leora Zellman)

How a women-on-demand website saved OKCupid

Melissa Gira Grant · 05/13/08 07:00PM

When OKCupid, the site where Internet users too cool to date online date online, needed some fresh blood, founders Sam Yagan and Chris Coyne took a page from the sex business to stay afloat: dates on demand. Describing the premise of, which matches users by location and a vague sense of mutual compatibility that has more to do with scheduling than anything, Yagan says:

You mean this isn't the Facebook prom?

Owen Thomas · 05/12/08 06:00PM

Despite not making the cut for this year's Time 100, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales showed up at the magazine's party anyway. (Past honorees are reinvited to the party automatically.) Even more surprising: On his arm was Andrea Weckerle, the freelance public-relations professional long rumored to have been smitten with Wales. If this photo is an indication, her affections are less unrequited than has been said.

Slide CEO Max Levchin soon to wed Nellie Minkova

Owen Thomas · 05/07/08 03:00PM

Hidden in Fortune editor Andy Serwer's stream-of-capitalism blog was this nugget: Slide CEO Max Levchin will soon wed longtime girlfriend Nellie Minkova. Minkova, pictured here with Levchin, works at Clarium Capital Management, the hedge fund of Peter Thiel, Levchin's cofounder at PayPal. For more of Minkova, see this excerpt from a New York Times video where she discussed domestic life with a boyfriend who works 18 hours a day:

Yahoo board member's secret marriage revealed by pension-fund fight

Owen Thomas · 04/29/08 06:20PM

Two pension funds suing Yahoo want to get testimony from director Art Kern, a former radio entrepreneur — but his domestic bliss is getting in the way. Kern was married on March 1 Deal Journal reports, according to a document filed by lawyers in the case, and is starting a five-week honeymoon outside the country on May 4. Here's what's odd about the filing: the name of Kern's new spouse is not mentioned anywhere. A source familiar with Kern says his new wife's name is Alison. Anyone have pictures of the happy couple? Please send them in.

Jimmy Wales takes his Wikipedia magic show to New York City

Owen Thomas · 04/29/08 01:40PM

For a province of California, Silicon Valley can be strangely puritan at times. That made it an uncomfortable locale for libertine Libertarian Jimmy Wales, the less-than-saintly founder of Wikipedia. Wales told ex-lover Rachel Marsden, the Canadian controversialist, that he wanted to move to New York to be closer to her. Their affair is over — ended, fittingly, via a posting on Wikipedia — but Wales has relocated to New York all the same. The likely reason has to do with work, or the appearance of work. Although Wikipedia's nonprofit parent, the Wikimedia Foundation, is located in San Francisco, and his ostensible employer, for-profit wiki venture Wikia, has itsheadquarters in a suburb to the south of the city, Wales is charged with running a search-engine project for Wikia which is based in New York.