
Here Is a Rap Song About Boy Pussy

Rich Juzwiak · 03/19/14 11:50AM

"Request at ur local Gay Club!!!" says the YouTube description of Houston-based Fly Young Red's "Throw That Boy Pussy." As if you'd have to ask. Perhaps the lyrics of this destined-to-be-classic — "Roll that boy pussy / Yeah, you got me lookin' / Thinkin' 'bout fuckin' / Let me get a rubber" — are not clear enough to you and you, like Twitter user @_LipstickJunkie, wonder what Fly Young Red's inspiration for this song was. Fly Young Red's got you:

Did Shepard Smith Leave Crimea to Come Out?

J.K. Trotter · 03/18/14 12:35PM

Last week, gay blogger Joe Jervis noticed that Fox News anchor Shepard Smith was listed as a “Special Guest” for Headlines & Headliners, an annual gala held by the National Gay and Lesbian Journalists Association in New York City. The title of Jervis’s post read: “Is Fox Anchor Shep Smith Coming Out?”

Rich Juzwiak · 03/13/14 05:14PM

"It's Hell in Nigeria" is Mother Jones' assessment of gay life in Nigeria in the wake of the country's recent anti-gay law. It's all harrowing, though how it's affecting HIV treatment is particularly shameful. Read it.

Ezra Klein Hired Contrarian Gay Without Having Read His Work

Rich Juzwiak · 03/13/14 04:30PM

Brandon Ambrosino is a young gay internet person who stirs up controversy everywhere he points his spoon. He tends to take a contrarian position on things that many LGBT individuals and their allies hold self-evident. You aren't a homophobe if you are against gay marriage (we need a new word, he says). People who called out Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson for saying the same vile things about gays that people have been saying since gay become a thing are the real bigots. Sit down, Ellen Page, you aren't so brave for coming out. Being gay is a choice. Jerry Falwell, founder of Ambrosino's Liberty U alma mater, was actually a good guy.

Rich Juzwiak · 03/10/14 02:03PM

"The mere fact that Museveni has signed the bill, they think it is OK for them to do anything to you because the law says so; that is the greatest fear I live under now," says outed LGBT activist Richard Lusimbo in this fascinating interview on being gay in Uganda in the wake of the "Jail the Gays" law.

What Is Safe Sex? The Raw and Uncomfortable Truth About Truvada

Rich Juzwiak · 03/04/14 10:52AM

When I'm single, I don't bareback on purpose usually. I practice safe sex often enough to consider myself "always safe," even though that's not quite true. While the overwhelming majority of times that I've had casual anal sex, I've had the wherewithal and self control to stop and put on the condom I've already made sure is within my reach, there have been times when pre-sex teasing has led to penetration. I've slipped. There are times when a few condom-free strokes don't seem like they'd hurt anyone and we were both down so… I've given in to requests of full-on bare sex to orgasm on occasion, depending how hot and convincing the invitation was and how turned on I already was. It's always the exception, though. "That's not me," I tell myself during and especially after.

Ugandan President Signs "Jail the Gays" Bill

Rich Juzwiak · 02/24/14 01:15PM

Today, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni signed the Anti-Homosexuality Act, a wide-ranging bill that imposes seven years in jail for "the offense of homosexuality" (gay sex) and lifetime in jail for "aggravated homosexuality," which describes an array of offenses like incest, sex with a minor, and sex with a person with a disability. Uganda's The Observer reports, "The bill will formally become law when it gets published in the Uganda Gazette. That, however, remains a formality. For Uganda's largely anti-gay population, the most important part was the president's signature."

Adam Weinstein · 02/20/14 03:26PM

A "network of conservative religious groups" is pushing new "Jim Crow-style" legislation like Kansas' in at least nine other states—legislation that would make it permanently legal to discriminate against gays and lesbians. Jesus, America, you can be such a dick sometimes.

Rich Juzwiak · 02/17/14 06:21PM

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni announced that he would be signing a bill punishing homosexuality with life in prison to rapturous cheers from lawmakers.

"Anti-Gay Jim Crow" Bill Gets Dangerously Close to Becoming Kansas Law

Rich Juzwiak · 02/14/14 03:50PM

First, the good news: A bill approved Wednesday by the Kansas House of Representatives by a vote of 72 to 49 that would allow for Jim Crow-style anti-gay discrimination seems unlikely to pass even in the Republican-controlled Senate, according to Senate President Susan Wagle.

Vladimir Putin Hugs Actual Queer Person, Actual Queer Person Hugs Back

Rich Juzwiak · 02/12/14 10:57AM

Noted oppressor of gay people, Russian President Vladimir Putin deigned to put his hands on a potential corrupter of children's innocence, openly bisexual Dutch speed skater Ireen Wüst. Wüst won a gold medal on Sunday, making her the first of the seven openly gay or bisexual Olympians competing at Sochi to do. You can watch the historic embrace above. This is a big moment for human-on-subordinate contact.