
The GOP Will Fight for Downtrodden Wall Street

Jeff Neumann · 04/26/10 06:37AM

Later today, Senate Democrats are expected to push a vote on a financial regulation bill that limits how easily Wall Street firms can play shell games with taxpayer money. Republicans are bitching and moaning and threatening to block it. [Politico]

Chris Noth's Career Has Never Been in Better Shape

cityfile · 12/17/09 03:06PM

Were you aware that Sex and the City slot machines are coming soon to Las Vegas' classiest casinos? They are. (And they pump out lines from the show—like "Hello, lover!"—every time someone hits a jackpot. Cool!) Chris Noth made a personal appearance in Sin City a couple of weeks ago to unveil the new machines. The speech he gave in honor of the momentous occasion appears after the jump for your viewing pleasure.

Gambling in the Hamptons

cityfile · 12/16/09 11:06AM

A casino could be coming to the Hamptons in the near future. Washington indicated yesterday that it's prepared to grant official recognitition to the Shinnecock Indian Nation, a tribe that occupies 800 acres in Southampton, "not far from some of Long Island's wealthiest communities and expansive celebrity-owned estates."

Not Even Ragged Dick Can Save Us From Ourselves (Dumb People)

Hamilton Nolan · 10/05/09 01:41PM

The Way We Live Now: Well we ain't living like astute professional money managers, that's for sure. We won the lottery but spent it all at casinos and now our personal "Financial plan" reads "Cash4Gold." Is that bad?

If We Don't Get Our Priorities Straight Then Boy, Watch Out

Hamilton Nolan · 09/18/09 01:19PM

The Way We Live Now: Misprioritized. We blow our emergency cash on suits. We spend all our time thinking about the lottery. We acquire stress ulcers while our wealth actually grows. Straighten up and fly right—for America.

America Is Quite the Foppish Macaroni

Hamilton Nolan · 09/16/09 03:11PM

The Way We Live Now: Making the hard choices. Maserati or Benzo? Expensive Yankees tickets or very expensive Yankees tickets? Hamburger or the whole cow? Macaroni or less macaroni for the same price?

Huddled Masses Getting a Little Too Close

Hamilton Nolan · 09/10/09 12:10PM

The Way We Live Now: Too close for comfort. Hell is other people, and it's getting hot in here. The vaunted income gap—that which protects us from dirty inferiors—is shrinking. You poors aren't buying enough scratch-off tickets!

Invest It All In Ham

Hamilton Nolan · 08/25/09 02:00PM

The Way We Live Now: Bartering. And gambling. Bartering and gambling. We've regressed.

God Wishes His Disciples Weren't So Broke

Hamilton Nolan · 08/11/09 11:28AM

The Way We Live Now: Splendidly! Assuming we're in one of the right fields: Wall Street trading, administration of 501(c)3 canine charity groups, or lottery ticket buying. Everyone else: buzz off, brokies. That means you, Jesus!

Well Maybe Working at the Wal-Mart Wouldn't Be So Bad

Hamilton Nolan · 08/10/09 12:05PM

The Way We Live Now: Still unemployed, why the fuck do you keep asking? Hamptons parking sticker theft can only keep us going for so long, ya know. If New York doesn't get a Wal-Mart soon, it's panic time.

Southampton Casino One Step Closer to Reality

cityfile · 05/27/09 12:55PM

Good news, gambling addicts with houses in the Hamptons! The Shinnecock Indian Nation is one step closer towards gaining official recognition from the federal government, a designation that would permit the tribe to open a casino. In Southampton. And they've already reached out to Gov. David Paterson to get the ball rolling!

No Slots for NYC

cityfile · 03/11/09 08:13AM

Looks like you won't be hitting up the video slots in Queens anytime soon. The Buffalo-based company that was set to install the 1,000 machines at the Aqueduct Race Track—and contribute $370 million to the state's coffers in the process—has dropped out of the deal because they can't come up with the cash. The good news? Thanks to the recession, bus tickets to Atlantic City have never been cheaper! [AP]