
Gun Nuts Troll Facebook Post Praising Navy's USS Gabrielle Giffords

Adam Weinstein · 06/12/15 02:12PM

They must have roamed the internet, thirsty, like wild dogs of the African savannah, until they found it: A popular military veteran’s Facebook site, gently praising the Navy’s christening of the USS Gabrielle Giffords. It was a veritable oasis, drawing in the pack of gundamentalists: There was water here.

'Our Leaders Don't Have the Courage to Act': Gabby Giffords' Husband Rips Gun Laws at Loughner Sentencing

Cord Jefferson · 11/09/12 06:10PM

Following Jared Loughner's January 2011 shooting rampage, which left six people dead, 13 wounded, and Congresswoman Gabby Giffords with a brain injury so bad she was forced to resign from office, Loughner was sentenced to 7 life terms, plus 140 years. But if there is a silver lining here, it's Giffords' husband Mark Kelly's call for gun-law sanity at Loughner's sentencing yesterday. Staring down his wife's attempted assassin, astronaut Mark Kelly called Loughner "cold-blooded" before launching into a righteous screed against America's absurdly lenient gun laws, and the craven politicians who cower behind the Second Amendment.

Lucid Dreams Deferred: Jared Loughner's Extraordinary Email Madness

A.J. Daulerio · 11/09/12 01:00PM

Yesterday, Jared Loughner, the 24-year-old man who murdered six people and injured 13 including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Az.) was sentenced to life imprisonment and spared a death sentence for being a hopeless nutcase. In the courthouse yesterday, some his victims confronted Jared for the first time, including Giffords and her husband, astronaut Mark Kelly. They shamed him with their tales of suffering, and Kelly said that his wife engaged in "quite the staring contest" with the man who put a bullet in her brain. Jared said nothing.

Watch Gabby Giffords Lead the DNC in the Pledge of Allegiance

Taylor Berman · 09/06/12 07:55PM

In a surprise appearance, former Arizona congresswoman Gabby Giffords led the Democratic National Convention in the Pledge of Allegiance. It's amazing how far she's come since her shooting in January of last year.

Gabby Giffords' Husband Simply Does Not Care for John Boehner

Jim Newell · 11/15/11 04:39PM

What do you say to a harsh criticism from astronaut-hero Mark Kelly, husband of wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords? You can't call him a jerk or anything. He's astronaut-hero Mark Kelly, husband of wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords! You just have to take it. Hear that, John Boehner? You will just have to take it.

Gabby Giffords En Route to Husband's Shuttle Launch

Jim Newell · 04/27/11 03:05PM

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is making her first public outing since being shot in the head in Tucson this January. She boarded a NASA jet in Houston today that's flying to Florida's Kennedy Space Center, the spot from where astronaut husband Mark Kelly will launch into space on Friday as part of the shuttle Endeavor's last mission. You can check out some raw, hazy AP footage of Giffords boarding the plane up top. She walked from her car and up the ramp without assistance.